2 January, 2025
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA | International
Other: Scholarships | Boards | EventsQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Principal Design Engineer (waterways management/rehabilitation), Water Technology, Location negotiable 2 - EOI - Indigenous Community Liaison Officer, Indigenous Desert Alliance, Various * 3 - Chief Executive Officer, Invasive Species Council Inc, Eastern seaboard preferred 4 - Fisheries Observers, Australian Fisheries Management Authority, multiple locations, Australia 5 - EOI: Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Panel, DT Global, Worldwide 6 - Policy Coordinator, Indigenous Carbon Industry Network, $80-110k, Darwin (flexible) * - top - Queensland 7 - Bush Regenerators & Graduate Ecologists, Habitat Environmental, Sunshine Coast 8 - National Soil Action Plan Graduate Program, DESI, Statewide * 9 - Senior Aquatic Scientist, Hydrobiology, Brisbane 10 - Natural Areas Officer, ECOllaboration, Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim, Ipswich regions * 11 - Bush Regenerator, Brisbane Bushcare, Brisbane greater area 12 - Field Ranger, Seqwater, $72k, Wivenhoe Dam 13 - Senior Ranger, Dept of Environment, Tourism, Science & Innovation, $101-109k, Greater Brisbane South 14 - Junior Ranger Project Coordinator, Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, $86-91k, Cairns 15 - Regional Biosecurity Lead North, Dept of Agriculture & Fisheries, $161-169k, Far North/North West Qld 16 - Regional Biosecurity Lead South, Dept of Agriculture & Fisheries, $161-169k, South East / South West 17 - Projects Lead, Southern Queensland Landscapes, Toowoomba or Roma 18 - Senior Development Extension Officer, Dept of Primary Industries, $131-141k, Ayr or Townsville * 19 - Sustainable Agriculture - Project Officer, Reef Catchments, $67-100k, Mackay or Proserpine 20 - Qld Regional Lead - Aquatic Services, NGH, Brisbane 21 - Digital Content & Publications Officer, Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, $76-87k, Cairns 22 - Environmental Project Officer / Coordinator, Catchment Solutions, Mackay 23 - Project Officer, Wildlife Queensland, Part Time, Brisbane 24 - Business Development Manager, Arborgreen Landscape Products, Brisbane - top - New South Wales 25 - Apprentice Nursery Operations, Fairfield City Council, $41-62k, Fairfield, Sydney 26 - Apprentice Natural Resources Management, Fairfield City Council, $41-62k, Fairfield, Sydney 27 - Senior Botanist / Ecologist, Stringybark Ecological, Armidale * 28 - Senior Threatened Species Officer, DCCEEW, $116-129k, Queanbeyan & South-East NSW 29 - Ecologist, GeoLINK Consulting, Coffs Harbour or Armidale 30 - Senior Ecologist, GeoLINK Consulting, Coffs Harbour or Armidale 31 - Experienced Ecologist, Eco Logical Australia, Wollongong 32 - Field Crew - Bush Regenerators, National Trust of Australia (NSW), various sites Sydney 33 - Supervisor - Bush Regeneration, Eco Logical Australia, Ingleburn 34 - Bush Regenerators, Eco Logical Australia, Ingleburn 35 - Bushland & Bushcare Officer, Waverley Council, $80-92k, Bondi Junction * 36 - Bush Regenerator, Habitat Solutions, Sydney 37 - Nursery Leading Hand, Toolijooa Nursery, $73-80k, West Hoxton 38 - Nursery Hand, Toolijooa Nursery, West Hoxton, Sydney 39 - On Country Coordinator, Jagun Alliance Aboriginal Corporation, $95-110k, Lismore 40 - Senior Ranger, Jagun Alliance Aboriginal Corporation, $80-95k, Lismore 41 - Team Leader Biosecurity & Invasive Species, MidCoast Council, $91k, Taree 42 - Senior Biosecurity Officer, MidCoast Council, $83k, Taree 43 - Biosecurity Officer, Local Land Services, $82k, Lithgow & Molong 44 - Land Restoration Coordinator or Lead, Covalent Land Australia, $70-85k, Nowendoc or Upper Hunter * 45 - Mid Coast Support Officer, MidCoast 2 Tops Landcare Connection, Mid Coast 46 - Senior Land Management Officer & Land Management Officer (2 positions), AWC, Pilliga National Park 47 - Field Station Officer - Fowlers Gap, University of NSW, $100k, Fowlers Gap 48 - Field Station Manager - Fowlers Gap, University of NSW, $123k, Fowlers Gap 49 - Business Development Manager, Arborgreen Landscape Products, Sydney - top - Australian Capital Territory 50 - Offsets Program Officer, EPSDD, $99-113k, Canberra - top - Victoria 51 - Senior Ecologist, AECOM, Melbourne 52 - Research Officer (Stream Ecology), The University of Melbourne, $83-95k, Burnley 53 - Conservation Project Officer, Conservation Ecology Centre, $70-75k, Cape Otway 54 - Bush Regeneration & Conservation Crew Member, GreenVille Environmental - Osey, $65k, Eynesbury 55 - Field Crew Business Manager (new role), ABZECO, $100-110k, Sunshine 56 - Project Manager Aboriginal Partnerships, North Central CMA, $97k 57 - Manager Strategy & Partnerships, North East CMA, $124k, Wodonga, Everton or Tallangatta 58 - Environmental Volunteer Support Officer, Yarra Ranges Council, $47ph, Lilydale 59 - Project Officer, North Central CMA, $73k, Bendigo 60 - Area Manager - South West Vic, Trust for Nature, $110k, Horsham / South West Vic * 61 - Area Manager - North East Vic, Trust for Nature, $110k, Wangaratta / North East Vic * 62 - Business Operations Manager, Wildlife Unlimited, $105-115k, Bairnsdale 63 - Senior Arborist, Ventia, $90-110k, Mornington - top - Tasmania 64 - Landcare Network Coordinator (Northern), Landcare Tasmania, $72-77k, Hobart 65 - Project Officer, Landcare Tasmania, $65-70k, Hobart - top - South Australia 66 - Senior Ecologist, GHD, Adelaide 67 - EOI - Indigenous Community Liaison Officer, Indigenous Desert Alliance, Various * - top - Northern Territory 68 - Ranger Coordinator - Northern Tanami (Lajamanu), Central Land Council, $87-100k, Lajamanu 69 - EOI - Indigenous Community Liaison Officer, Indigenous Desert Alliance, Various * 70 - Change Manager / Manager, Parna Ngururrpa, $100-140k, Broome and the Kimberley 71 - Land Management Coordinator - Region 5, Central Land Council, $111-120k, Alice Springs 72 - Indigenous Protected Area Coordinator - Northern Tanami, Central Land Council, $87-100k, Lajamanu 73 - Communications Manager, NAILSMA, $130k, Darwin 74 - Policy Coordinator, Indigenous Carbon Industry Network, $80-110k, Darwin (flexible) * 75 - Community Development Officer, Central Land Council, $87-100k, Alice Springs 76 - Senior Administration Officer, NAILSMA, $75-95k, Darwin 77 - Finance Manager, NAILSMA, $110-130k, Darwin 78 - Community Development Senior Administration Officer, Central Land Council, $80-100k, Alice Springs - top - Western Australia 79 - Conservation Operations Officer - Fauna, DBCA, $87-92k, Broome (Kununurra Considered) 80 - Ecologist - Maternity Leave Cover, Kimberley Land Council, Broome & Kimberley Surroundings 81 - Senior Spatial Ecologist, Spectrum Ecology & Spatial, Leederville, Perth 82 - Senior Botanist, Spectrum Ecology, Perth 83 - Senior Ranger - Cape Le Grand National Park, DBCA, $77-81k, Esperance District * 84 - Senior Ranger, DBCA, $77-81k, Margaret River 85 - EOI - Indigenous Community Liaison Officer, Indigenous Desert Alliance, Various * 86 - Kimberley Nature Project Manager, Environs Kimberley, $113-124k, Broome * 87 - Balanggarra Ranger Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council, Wyndham 88 - Project Officer - Invasive Species, Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group, $75-85k, Pinjarra and/or Waroona 89 - Marine Program Coordinator, DBCA, $96-105k, Exmouth 90 - Seagrass Project Officer, Environs Kimberley, $72-85k, Broome * - top - International 91 - Senior Leadership & IT roles (x7), Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Samoa * - top - |
Scholarships 92 - PhD opportunity: Ecology of Chuditch in Fragmented & Intact Habitat, University of NSW, Perth or Sydney - top - Board Members 93 - Independent Chair, Wet Tropics Waterways Partnership, $20k, Cairns or online - top - |
Events 94 - Off-Grid Living Festival, Chiltern, Victoria - 12-13 April, 20025 - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Champs' 1. Where in Australia would you find the Champion's leaf-tailed gecko, Phyllurus championae (named after pre-eminent Australian naturalist Irene Champion)? 2. The cultivated fungus Agaricus bisporus is better known as what? 3. Who wrote Breakfast of Champions? 4. Samuel de Champlain (1567-1635) was a founding figure in what country? 5. What radio program made Australian songwriter Greg Champion famous? Click here for answers - top - |
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