10 March, 2022
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA
Other: Events | CoursesQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Commercial Project Officer - Conservation, WWF Australia, location negotiable * 2 - Training Manager, Soil Science Australia, $110k, location flexible * 3 - National Soil Science Extension Team Co-ordinator, Soil Science Australia, $130k, location flexible * 4 - National Soil Science Extension Team Project Officer, Soil Science Australia, $90k, location flexible * 5 - Marketing & Communications Manager, Soil Science Australia, $30k, location flexible * 6 - Technical Support Officer (Birdata), BirdLife Australia, $49-51k, location negotiable 7 - Engagement Manager (Citizen Science), BirdLife Australia, $79k, location negotiable 8 - Policy Officer - Pacific Engagement & International Plant Health, DAWE, $76-83k, Canberra (flexible) * - top - Queensland 9 - Ranger, QPWS, $71-78k, Boodjamulla National Park * 10 - Rangers, Indigenous Identified (x2), QPWS, $57-61k, Boodjamulla National Park * 11 - Ranger, QPWS, $63-69k, Boodjamulla National Park * 12 - Land Management Officer (Rangelands), Southern Gulf NRM, $64-80k, Mount Isa or Cloncurry 13 - Indigenous Head Ranger, Myuma Group - DAC - IDAC, Mount Isa & North West Queensland * 14 - Program Leader - Sustainable Land Management, Southern Gulf NRM, $87-109k, Mount Isa 15 - Environmental Scientist, NRA Environmental Consultants, Cairns * 16 - Ranger (Assets), QPWS, $71-78k, Longreach * 17 - Research Officer / Senior Research Officer, James Cook University, $69-115k, Townsville * 18 - Biosecurity Officer, DAF - Biosecurity Queensland, $78-84k, Townsville * 19 - Senior Project Officer - Waterways, Wetlands & Coasts, NQ Dry Tropics, $71-90k, Townsville * 20 - Full-time & Casual Bush Regenerators, Ecosure, South East Queensland 21 - Bushland Restoration Team Leader, Bushworx, Redlands * 22 - Natural Areas / Bush Regeneration Team Members, Austspray Environmental Weed Control, Gold Coast 23 - Bush Regenerators, Toolijooa, Moreton Bay & Brisbane 24 - Full-time Bush Regeneration Supervisors, Ecosure, Brisbane 25 - Research Fellow, Soil Biological Resilience, Griffith University, $89-105k, Brisbane * 26 - Research Fellow, Water Cultures (Murray Darling Basin), Griffith University, $89-105k, Brisbane * 27 - Ecologist - Botanist, Water Technology, location flexible - Victoria, NSW or Queensland - top - New South Wales 28 - Senior Archaeologist, OzArk Environment & Heritage, Dubbo 29 - Ecologist (Mid-Level or Senior), ReconEco, Lismore 30 - Regional Koala Officer, Friends of the Koala, $100k, Lismore 31 - District Manager - Bombala, Forestry Corporation of NSW, Bombala * 32 - Bush Regen Crew Members / Special Projects Crew Members, Toolijooa, Hunter Valley 33 - Bush Regeneration Field Worker, Litoria ERS, Newcastle & Central Coast 34 - Estuary Officer, Maitland City Council, $93-103k, Maitland * 35 - Envrionmental Contractors, Travers bushfire & ecology, Kariong * 36 - Track Construction Crew Members, Toolijooa, Blue Mountains 37 - Conservation Ecologist, Science for Wildlife, Blue Mountains * 38 - Conservation & Biosecurity Analyst, Invasive Species Council, $78-90k, Sydney, Canberra, Blue Mountains (flexible) 39 - Conservation & Land Management Supervising Practitioner, Muru Mittigar, $60-70k, Parramatta & Western suburbs * 40 - Bush Regen Crew Members, Toolijooa, Greater Sydney region 41 - Community Nursery Co-ordinator, Hornsby Shire Council, Sydney 42 - Bush Regenerators, National Trust (NSW), various locations around Sydney 43 - Bush Regeneration Field Officers, Apunga Ecological Management, Sydney * 44 - Manager Restoration Programs, Taronga Zoo, Mosman, $106-116k, Sydney * 45 - Ecologist - Botanist, Water Technology, location flexible - Victoria, NSW or Queensland
NSW Government jobs: 46 - Compliance & Audit Officers, Investigators & Field Safety Supervisors, DPE, $99k, multiple locations * 47 - Team Leader - Agricultural Advisory Services, Local Land Services, $113k, location neg. in Murray region * 48 - Strategy & Planning Officer, Local Land Services, $99k, location neg. in Murray region * 49 - MERI Officer, Local Land Services, $99k, location neg. in Murray region * 50 - Team Leader - NRM, Local Land Services, $113k, location negotiable in Central West region * 51 - Team Leader Compliance Monitoring, DPE, $113k, Armidale, Dubbo or Tamworth 52 - Team Leader Compliance Monitoring, DPE, $113k, Armidale, Dubbo or Tamworth 53 - Investigator, DPE, $99-110k, Armidale, Dubbo & Tamworth 54 - Compliance Officers (x2), DPE, $99k, Armidale, Dubbo or Tamworth * 55 - Field Officers (x8), DPE, $74k, Dubbo or Tamworth * 56 - Discovery Guide - Interpretive Assistant, NPWS, $64-66k, Yarrangobilly Caves, Kosciuszko National Park * 57 - Field Officer 3-4 (multiple positions), NPWS, $63-68k, Eden & Bombala 58 - Administrative Support Officer - Director Support, NPWS, $74k, Nowra 59 - Joint Management Officers (Identified) - Biamanga & Gulaga, NPWS, $99-110k, Narooma * 60 - Manager (Area), NPWS, $131-151k, Narooma 61 - Senior Project Officer, DPE, $108-121k, Port Macquarie * 62 - Senior Economist, DPE, $108k, Parramatta * 63 - Policy Officer, DPE, $95-105k, Parramatta * - top - Australian Capital Territory 64 - Trade Waste Officer, Icon Water, $91k, Canberra * 65 - Senior Management Officers - Fisheries Information & Services, AFMA, Canberra * 66 - Manager Electronic Monitoring Program - Fisheries Information & Services, AFMA, Canberra * 67 - Policy Officer - Pacific Engagement & International Plant Health, DAWE, $76-83k, Canberra (flexible) * 68 - Conservation & Biosecurity Analyst, Invasive Species Council, $78-90k, Sydney, Canberra, Blue Mountains (flexible) - top - Victoria 69 - Operations Management Centre (OMC) Operator, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water, $83-91k, Horsham * 70 - Director or Winter/Interim Director, Mittagundi Outdoor Education Centre, Glen Valley * 71 - Harvesting Forester, HVP Plantations, Gippsland * 72 - Bushland Team Member, Envirogain, South Gippsland 73 - Nature Guide, Wildlife Wonders, Apollo Bay * 74 - Environmental Planning Officer, City of Greater Geelong, $86-93k, Geelong * 75 - Conservation Officer, Trust for Nature, $63-70k, Castlemaine (flexible) 76 - Crew Leader (Field Coordinator), Aus Eco Solutions, Ballan * 77 - Bushland Team Member, Skout Solutions, Mornington * 78 - GIS Officer, Phillip Island Nature Parks, Phillip Island * 79 - Consultant Botanist / Botanist, Ecology and Heritage Partners, Geelong or Melbourne 80 - Conservation Areas Specialist, Felix Botanica, SE suburbs, Melbourne 81 - NRM Crew Members, Woods Environmental, Laverton & Yarra Valley, Melbourne 82 - GIS Officer, DELWP, $71-87k, Melbourne CBD * 83 - Casual Zoologists, Nature Advisory, Melbourne * 84 - Natural Reserves Assistant Ranger, Frankston City Council, $60-62k, Melbourne * 85 - Bushland Crew Team Leader, Envirotechniques, East & North East of Melbourne * 86 - Ecologist - Botanist, Water Technology, location flexible - Victoria, NSW or Queensland - top - Tasmania 87 - Hub Manager, Adoption & Innovation Hub for Drought Resilience, $100-113k, Launceston * 88 - Multiple Agroforestry roles, SFM, Northern Tasmania * 89 - Trust General Manager, Wellington Park Management Trust, Hobart * - top - South Australia 90 - Indigenous Protected Area Coordinator - Kalka/Pipalyatjara IPA, APY Land Management, APY Lands 91 - Project Coordinator, Warru Kanyintjaku (Black Footed Rock Wallaby), APY Land Management, Umuwa, APY Lands 92 - Project Officer, Warru (Black Footed Rock Wallaby), APY Land Management, Kalka/Pipalyatjara, APY Lands 93 - Business Support Officer, Dept for Environment & Water, $56-60k, Port Augusta * 94 - Senior Technical Officer, DEW, $80-84k, Millicent 95 - Soil Officer / Senior Soil Officer (multiple positions), Limestone Coast Landscape Board, $65-93k, various locations * 96 - Project Officer (Flora Ecologist), Dept for Environment & Water, $65-79k, Adelaide * 97 - Coordinator of Adelaide Sustainability Centre, Conservation Council SA, $67-70k, Adelaide CBD * - top - Northern Territory 98 - Mining Officer, Anindilyakwa Land Council, Groote Eylandt * 99 - Mechanic, Warddeken Land Management, Kabulwarnamyo, West Arnhem Land * 100 - Senior Land Management Officer, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Newhaven Wildlife Sanctuary 101 - Minerals and Energy Officer, Central Land Council, $72-89k, Alice Springs 102 - Manager Planning & Land Management (now open to all candidates), Northern Land Council, Darwin 103 - Hydrogeologist / Senior Hydrogeologist, NT Government, $100-137k, Darwin * - top - Western Australia 104 - Destination Manager, Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation, Kimberley * 105 - Nyangumarta Ranger Coordinator, Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation, $89-92k, Bidyadanga & Broome 106 - Association Coordinator, Care For Hedland Environmental Association, $75k, Port Hedland 107 - Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator, NACC NRM, Geraldton * 108 - Field Officer Hamelin Station, Bush Heritage Australia, $62-76k, Shark Bay, Malgana Country * 109 - Reserve Manager Hamelin Station, Bush Heritage Australia, $74-86k, Shark Bay, Malgana Country 110 - Ngadju Ranger Coordinator, Ngadju Conservation Aboriginal Corporation, Norseman 111 - Project Manager, Project Officer, Exec. Officer & Board positions, Leschenault Catchment Council, Bunbury * 112 - Wetlands Restoration Officer, Peel Harvey Catchment Council, $73k, Mandurah * 113 - Environmental Project Supervisor, Workpower, Perth 114 - Technical Officer Zoology (x2), Zoological Parks Authority, $64-69k, Perth Zoo * - top - |
Events 115 - 2022 National Landcare Conference, Call For Abstracts by 13 March 116 - SRI2022 satellite event: Sustainability Research & Innovation Oceania, Brisbane, 29 June - 1 July 117 - 2022 NSW Landcare & Local Land Services Conference and Awards, One-day online event, 17 March 118 - Combined NSW & VIC Weeds Conference, Albury, 21-24 March 119 - Australasian Weeds Conference - 22AWC, Adelaide, 25-29 September - top - Courses 120 - Short course: Engaging Communities: Transforming Facilitation & Conflict Resolution Masterclass, Cairns, 27-29 April * 121 - Online Course: How to be an Efficient (Science) Writer, Self-study & Premium enrolments - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Paint' 1. True or false?: Red painted dragon males (Ctenophorus pictus) are fiercer than yellow males of the same species. 2. In which Australian city would you find the Mt Painter Nature Reserve? 3. On a boat, what is a painter? 4. Where in Australia is the Painted Desert? 5. What kind of animal is a paint? Click here for answers - top - |
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