10 February, 2022
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA | International
Other: Scholarships | Volunteers | Tenders | EventsQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Digital Engagement and Media Coordinator, Positive Change for Marine Life, $68-75k, flexible location, Australia * 2 - Urban Water Specialist, The Alluvium Group, Melbourne (other locations considered) * - top - Queensland 3 - Program Leader - Sustainable Land Management, Southern Gulf NRM, $87-109k, Mount Isa * 4 - Fire Coordinator, Cape York NRM, $78k, Cooktown preferred (Atherton by negotiation) * 5 - Biodiversity & Fire Program Manager, Cape York NRM, $105k, Cooktown * 6 - Environmental Manager, Skyrail Rainforest Cableway, $75-85k, Cairns 7 - NRM Programs Manager, Nexus Executive Services, Mackay or Proserpine 8 - Senior Water Officer, DRDMW, $100-107k, Mackay or Rockhampton preferred (flexible) * 9 - Senior Water Officer, DRDMW, $88-95k, Mackay or Rockhampton * 10 - Senior Water Officer, DRDMW, $100-107k, Mackay or Rockhampton preferred (flexible) * 11 - Project Officers, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $85-97k, Goondiwindi * 12 - Assistant Directors, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $112-120k, Goondiwindi * 13 - Executive Officer - NRM, Dry Tropics Partnership for Healthy Waters, $75-95k, Townsville 14 - Technical Officer - Water Quality, Dry Tropics Partnership for Healthy Waters, $65-85k, Townsville 15 - Full-time & Casual Bush Regenerators, Ecosure, South East Queensland * 16 - Bush Regenerators, Toolijooa, Moreton Bay & Brisbane 17 - Senior Wildlife Biologist / Senior Fauna Ecologist, Ecosure, Brisbane 18 - Bush Regenerators, Brisbane Bushcare, Greater Brisbane 19 - Consultant Ecologist, Litoria, Brisbane 20 - Full-time Bush Regeneration Supervisors, Ecosure, Brisbane * 21 - Scientist (Remote Sensing), Dept of Environment & Science, $65-82k, Brisbane * 22 - Bushfire Field Staff, Fireland Consultancy, location negotiable * 23 - Project Manager / Field Support Liaison, Fireland Consultancy, location negotiable * 24 - Data & Spatial Science Consultant, Mosaic Insights, Melbourne preferred (Sydney or Brisbane considered) * - top - New South Wales 25 - Senior Policy Officer, Dept of Regional NSW, $113k, regional NSW * 26 - Local Landcare Coordinator, Western Landcare NSW, Bourke * 27 - Discovery Ranger (x2), NPWS, Warrumbungle & Pilliga * 28 - Principal Asset Planner, MDBA, $125-148k, Adelaide, Albury-Wodonga, Griffith or Mildura * 29 - Project Officers, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $85-97k, Albury & Narromine * 30 - Communications Manager (pt), Murray Darling Wetlands Working Group, $55k, Albury, or work from home * 31 - Assistant Directors, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $112-120k, Albury * 32 - Landcare Project Officer, Far South Coast Landcare Association, $78k, Bega * 33 - Project Officer, NPWS, $99-110k, Jindabyne, Tumut or Queanbeyan * 34 - Fisheries Technical Coordinator, Dept of Regional NSW, $90-95k, Narrandera * 35 - Senior Fisheries Technician, Dept of Regional NSW, $67-88k, Narrandera * 36 - Assistant Directors, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $112-120k, Narromine * 37 - Agricultural Carbon Researcher, SoilCQuest 2031, Central West & Tablelands (work from home) * 38 - Program Manager - Coastal NSW, OzFish Unlimited, $96-103k, Newcastle * 39 - Track Construction Crew Members, Toolijooa, Blue Mountains 40 - Ranger - Targeted, NPWS, $64-100k, Fitzroy Falls 41 - Senior Ecologists, Niche Environment & Heritage, NSW - flexible location * 42 - Business Development Manager / Quoting Co-Ordinator, Dragonfly Environmental, Kings Park, Sydney * 43 - Site Supervisors, Dragonfly Environmental, Kings Park, Sydney * 44 - Natural Area Specialist, Dragonfly Environmental, Kings Park, Sydney * 45 - Senior Manager Environment and Sustainability, Transport for NSW, Parramatta * 46 - Bush Regenerators, National Trust (NSW), various locations around Sydney 47 - Bush Regeneration Field Officer, Apunga Ecological Management, Sydney 48 - Consultant / Senior Botanist, Biosis, Sydney * 49 - Senior - Principal Ecologist / Botanist, Arcadis, Sydney * 50 - Environmental Consultant (Ecologist), Arcadis, Melbourne or Sydney * 51 - Data & Spatial Science Consultant, Mosaic Insights, Melbourne preferred (Sydney or Brisbane considered) * - top - Australian Capital Territory 52 - Senior Management, Policy & Licensing Officers, AFMA, $88-98k, Canberra * 53 - Visitor Information Manager, ACT Parks & Conservation, $90-103k, Canberra * 54 - Project Officer, Environment, Planning & Sustainable Development, $90-103k, Canbera * 55 - Policy Officers (several), Environment, Planning & Sustainable Development, $90-103k, Canberra * 56 - Project Officers, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $85-97k, Canberra * 57 - Assistant Directors, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $112-120k, Canberra * - top - Victoria 58 - Project Officers, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $85-97k, Mildura * 59 - Assistant Directors, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $112-120k, Mildura * 60 - Communications Manager (pt), Murray Darling Wetlands Working Group, $55k, Albury, or work from home * 61 - Healthy Country Manager, Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation, Warrnambool * 62 - Principal Asset Planner, MDBA, $125-148k, Adelaide, Albury-Wodonga, Griffith or Mildura * 63 - Bushland Team Member, Envirogain, South Gippsland 64 - Bush Crew Member, Indigenous Design Environmental Management, Gippsland - Morwell * 65 - NRM Supervisor, Indigenous Design Environmental Management, Gippsland - Morwell * 66 - Budj Bim IPA & Planning Manager, Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners, $85-95k, Heywood 67 - Chief Executive Officer, Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners, Heywood 68 - Team Leader Forest Management Planning, DELWP, $102-124k, Loddon Mallee * 69 - Project officer, Upper Barwon Landcare Network, Birregurra 70 - Bush Regenerators, INDIG-WE-DO Bushland Restoration, Upper Yarra area * 71 - Tree Crew Member, Skout Solutions, Mornington Peninsula * 72 - Cultural Heritage Officer, Great Ocean Road & Coast & Parks Authority, Torquay * 73 - Executive Officer (pt), Friends of the Barwon, $100-110k, flexible location, Barwon catchment 74 - Senior Ecologist, Ecology and Heritage Partners, Geelong or Melbourne 75 - Consultant Botanist / Botanist, Ecology and Heritage Partners, Geelong or Melbourne 76 - Mid-level/Senior Bushfire Consultant, Ecology and Heritage Partners, Geelong or Melbourne 77 - Bushland Regenerator Team Leader / Crew Members, Haas & Gray, Geelong / Melbourne * 78 - Environmental Scientist / Engineer, GHD, Traralgon, Geelong or Melbourne * 79 - Tree Crew Member, Woods Environmental Services, Yarra Valley, Mornington Peninsula 80 - Manager - NRM & Economic Development, Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corps, $118-130k, Melbourne 81 - Major Capital Programs Practitioner, Melbourne Water, Docklands, Melbourne * 82 - Maintenance Programs Practitioner, Melbourne Water, Docklands, Melbourne * 83 - Field Crew positions, Abzeco, Melbourne 84 - Parks Protection Advocate, Victorian National Parks Association, $81-89k, Melbourne 85 - Senior and Mid-Level Cultural Heritage Advisors / Archaeologists, Ecology and Heritage Partners, Melbourne 86 - Senior Policy Officer, DELWP, $102-124k, Melbourne * 87 - Contracting Coordinator, Practical Ecology, Preston, Melbourne * 88 - Horticulture Crew, City of Casey, $63k, Melbourne * 89 - Cleaner, AJ Recruitment, Parkville, Melbourne * 90 - Ranger (pt), Crib Point Stony Point Foreshore Committee of Management, Western Port * 91 - Project Support / Executive Assistant, Clear Horizon, Melbourne * 92 - Horticulturalist / Delivery Driver, Western Plains Flora, Melbourne * 93 - Bat Specialist, Nature Advisory, Victoria 94 - Urban Water Specialist, The Alluvium Group, Melbourne (other locations considered) * 95 - Data & Spatial Science Consultant, Mosaic Insights, Melbourne preferred (Sydney or Brisbane considered) * 96 - Environmental Consultant (Ecologist), Arcadis, Melbourne or Sydney * - top - Tasmania 97 - Cat Management Coordinator, NRM North, $71-78k, Launceston (may be required to travel) 98 - Ranger, Parks & Wildlife Service, $74-86k, Queenstown * - top - South Australia 99 - Works Supervisor, Dept for Environment & Water, $64-68k, Mount Gambier * 100 - Project Officers, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $85-97k, Loxton & Adelaide * 101 - Assistant Directors, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $112-120k, Loxton * 102 - Senior Landscape Officer, Hills & Fleurieu Landscape Board, $82-91k, Willunga 103 - Team Member, Open Space (Aboriculture), Adelaide Hills Council, $62-64k, Adelaide Hills * 104 - Assistant Directors, DAWE - Inspector General of Water Compliance, $112-120k, Adelaide * 105 - Principal Asset Planner, MDBA, $125-148k, Adelaide, Albury-Wodonga, Griffith or Mildura * - top - Northern Territory 106 - Regional Workplace Mentor, Central Land Council, $72-89k, Alice Springs * 107 - Land Management Officer, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Newhaven Wildlife Sanctuary 108 - Ranger Group Coordinator, Central Land Council, $72-89k, Tennant Creek * 109 - Ranger Group Coordinator, Central Land Council, $72-89k, Tennant Creek * 110 - Sanctuary Manager & Asst Sanctuary Manager, Aust. Wildlife Conservancy, Pungalina-7 Emu Wildlife Sanctuary 111 - Mechanic, Warddeken Land Management, Kabulwarnamyo, West Arnhem Land 112 - Savanna Fire Mgt, Community Engagement & Project Support Officer, Thamarrurr DC, $88-90k, Wadeye 113 - Senior Environmental Assessment Officer, Petroleum, NT Government, $123-137k, Darwin * 114 - Manager Planning & Land Management (Identified Position), Northern Land Council, Darwin * 115 - Business Development Manager - ICIN, Warddeken Land Management, $90k, Darwin * 116 - Communications Manager - Indigenous Carbon Industry Network, Warddeken Land Management, $80k, Darwin * 117 - Soil Extension Officer, Territory Natural Resource Management, $74-80k, Darwin * 118 - Environmental Officer, NT Government, $100-119k, Darwin * 119 - Senior Fisheries Officers, Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Darwin * - top - Western Australia 120 - Region Manager East Kimberley, Kimberley Land Council, Kununurra 121 - Ngurrara Ranger Coordinator (Female), Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation, $68-74k, Fitzroy Crossing * 122 - Ranger Coordinator, Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation, $70-75k, Derby & Jarlmadangah 123 - Station Operations & Land Management Officer (x2), Dunkeld Pastoral, Theda Station, remote Kimberley * 124 - Business Information Systems Manager, Kimberley Land Council, Broome 125 - Conservation Field Officer, WWF Australia, Broome 126 - Technical Officer (50D - Kimberley Marine Reserves), DBCA, $64-78k, Broome (first 6 months in Perth) * 127 - Hamelin Station Stay Manager & Hospitality Assistants, Bush Heritage Australia, Hamelin Station 128 - Ranger, DBCA, $55-69k, Fitzgerald River National Park (East Mount Barren) * 129 - Executive Officer, Pilbara Regional Biosecurity Group, Pilbara region preferred (flexible within WA) 130 - Phytophthora Dieback Consultant, Glevan Consulting, Pinjarra * 131 - Southwest Environmental Team Leader / Supervisor (Field Based), Tranen Revegetation Southwest, Busselton * 132 - Coordinator, Disturbance Approval System, DBCA, $90-98k, Mundaring or Perth (other locations neg.) * 133 - Environmental Team Leader (Field Based), Tranen Revegetation Systems, Bayswater, Perth * 134 - Environmental Field Technician, Natural Area Management & Services, Perth 135 - Environmental Project Supervisor, Workpower, Perth * 136 - Project Manager - Waste / Built Environment, Encycle, Perth * - top - International 137 - Various positions: Management, Comms, Admin, Science, IT, Pacific Regional Environment Program, Samoa * - top - |
Scholarships 138 - Call For Research Proposals 2022-23, Torres Strait Scientific Advisory Committee, Australia * - top - Volunteers 139 - Volunteer Assistant Warden(s) for 2022, Broome Bird Observatory, Broome - top - Tenders 140 - Call For Research Proposals 2022-23, Torres Strait Scientific Advisory Committee, Australia * - top - |
Events 141 - Australasian Weeds Conference - 22AWC, 25-29 September 2022, Adelaide - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Wallaby' 1. Which is the odd one out, and why? Crescent nail-tail wallaby/Worong (Onychogalea lunata), Eastern hare wallaby (Lagorchestes leporides), Toolache wallaby (Notamacropus greyi), Yellow-footed rock wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus). 2. What does 'going on the Wallaby' mean? 3. Notamacropus agilis is the most abundant wallaby of northern Australia, and is also found in New Guinea. What is it commonly known as? 4. Which of the following is not a genus of Australian native wallaby grass? (a) Amphibromus (b) Austrodanthonia (c) Danthonia (d) Rytidosperma? 5. With 139 games, which retired rugby union player is the most capped Wallaby ever? (bonus: who is the second most capped Wallaby?). Click here for answers - top - |
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