20 January, 2022
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | SA | NT | WA | International
Other: Scholarships | Volunteers | Tenders | Events | Courses | OtherQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Strategic Director - Policy & Development, NRM Regions Australia, location flexible * 2 - Australian Climate Service (multiple positions), CSIRO, various locations * 3 - National Climate & Nature Coordinator (Carbon Farming), Pew Charitable Trusts, $97-108km, location negotiable 4 - Crew Bosses and Treerunners, Outland Resources, multiple locations 5 - Admin, Communications & Events (contractor), Ecological Consultants Assoc, work from home (ideally Victoria) - top - Queensland 6 - Botanist, Biosphere Environmental Consultants, Cairns * 7 - Community Liaison Officer Team Leader, DAWE - Biosecurity, $76-83k, Cairns * 8 - Environmental Manager, Skyrail Rainforest Cableway, $75-85k, Cairns * 9 - Principal Project Officer, DRDMW, $112-120k, Mackay or Rockhampton * 10 - Bush Regenerators, Ecosure, Rockhampton * 11 - Fauna Spotter Catcher / Wildlife Field Team Member, Ecosure, Rockhampton * 12 - Ranger, QPWS, $69-76k, Toowoomba/Roma/Charleville * 13 - Bush Regenerators, Ecosure, South East Queensland 14 - Regional Engagement Officers, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, SW Qld & Barwon-Darling * 15 - Bush Regenerator, ArborCare Queensland, Sunshine Coast * 16 - Natural Areas/Bush Regeneration Team Members, Austspray Environmental Weed Control, Gold Coast 17 - Team Leader Bushfire Management & Risk Mitigation, City of Gold Coast, $93-99k, Gold Coast * 18 - Executive Coordinator Natural Areas Management, City of Gold Coast, $150-188k, Gold Coast * 19 - Wetlands & Waterways Scientist, City of Gold Coast, $85-91k, Gold Coast * 20 - Bush Regenerators, Toolijooa, Moreton Bay & Brisbane LGAs * 21 - Bush Regeneration Supervisors, Ecosure, Brisbane 22 - Graduate Project Officer, EnviroCom Australia, Eight Mile Plains, Brisbane * 23 - Principal Scientist (Remote Sensing), Dept of Environment & Science, $112-120k, Brisbane * 24 - Bush Regenerators (Supervisors & Specialists), Oxley Creek Catchment Assoc. - Biodiversity Services, Brisbane * 25 - Project Environmental roles, Wild Environmental Consultants, Queensland 26 - Australian Climate Service (multiple positions), CSIRO, various locations * 27 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide - top - New South Wales 28 - Regional Engagement Officers, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, SW Qld & Barwon-Darling * 29 - Environmental Instrumentation - Electronic Assembly, ICT International, Armidale * 30 - Dispatch Position, ICT International, Armidale * 31 - Ecologist (Mid-Level or Senior), ReconEco, Lismore * 32 - Bush Regen Crew Members / Special Projects Crew Members, Toolijooa, Hunter Valley 33 - Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator, Local Land Services, $99k, Dubbo or Central West region * 34 - Field Ecologist (full-time or part-time), AREA Environmental & Heritage Consultants, Dubbo 35 - Assistant Project Officer (Threatened Species), NPWS, $87-96k, Dubbo 36 - Harvesting Supervisor, Forestry Corporation of NSW, Bombala 37 - Project Officer - Tourism & Infrastructure, NPWS, $99-110k, Lithgow (negotiable) * 38 - Senior Project Officer - Tourism & Infrastructure, NPWS, $113-124k, Lithgow (negotiable) * 39 - Bushcare Officer, Blue Mountains City Council, Katoomba * 40 - Team Leader, Visitor Experience, NPWS, $12-113k, Royal NP (Audley) or Ku-ring-gai Chase NP (Bobbin Head) * 41 - Walking Track Construction Crew Member, Track & Trail Management Services, Greater Sydney & Blue Mountains * 42 - Senior Ecological Consultant, Narla Environmental, Northern Beaches * 43 - Project Manager - Specialist Studies, Niche Environment & Heritage, flexible within Greater Sydney 44 - Chief Scientist Bush Heritage & Director, Fowlers Gap, University of NSW, $135-178k, Sydney 45 - Bush Regen Crew Members, Toolijooa, Greater Sydney region 46 - Bush Regeneration Field Officer, Apunga Ecological Management, Sydney 47 - Team Leader Ranger, NPWS, $113-124k, Lane Cove National Park, Sydney * 48 - Field Officers (multiple positions), Greening Australia, Western Sydney * 49 - Local Landcare Coordinator - Sydney, Greater Sydney Landcare, $72-79k, Sydney * 50 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide - top - Australian Capital Territory 51 - Assistant Project & Communications Officer, Ginninderra Catchment Group, Canberra 52 - Experienced & Senior Ecologists, Eco Logical Australia, Canberra 53 - Assistant Director / Planning Officer, Environment, Planning & Sustainable Development, $113-122k, Canberra * 54 - Senior Horticulturalist - National Arboretum, ACT Government, $90-103k, Canberra 55 - Senior Embedded Software Engineer, Wildlife Drones, Canberra * 56 - Australian Climate Service (multiple positions), CSIRO, various locations * - top - Victoria 57 - Technical Lead, Neds Corner Station, Trust for Nature, Ngintait country, West of Mildura 58 - Project Officer, Mildura Rural City Council, $85-93k, flexible work locations * 59 - Executive Officer, Barwon South West Climate Alliance, flexible work locations * 60 - Area Manager, North East Victoria, Trust for Nature, $89-95k, Wangaratta * 61 - Nursery & Treestock Manager, VicForests, $99-165k, Bairnsdale * 62 - Silviculture Forester, HVP Plantations, Churchill (near Traralgon), Gippsland 63 - Nursery Casuals, HVP Plantations, Yarram, Gippsland * 64 - Supervisor Natural Environment, Baw Baw Shire Council, $86-93k, Warragul * 65 - Bushland Team Member, Envirogain, South Gippsland * 66 - Biodiversity Projects Officer, Macedon Ranges Shire Council, $84-92k, Gisborne * 67 - Environmental Coordinator, Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater, Yellingbo 68 - Project Officer - Reading Country Water, Taungurung Land & Waters Council, $71-76k, Alexandra * 69 - NRM Field Officer, Native Habitat, Far East Melbourne, West Gippsland & Latrobe Valley * 70 - Bushland / Grassland Crew Member, Challis Enviro, Melton area * 71 - Penguin Foundation Officer, Phillip Island Nature Parks, Phillip Island 72 - Field Services Officers (x2), Phillip Island Nature Parks, Phillip Island 73 - Senior Environmental Approvals Consultant, GHD, Melbourne or regional Victoria 74 - Technical Director - Environmental Assessment & Approvals, GHD, Melbourne or regional Victoria 75 - Senior Botanist, GHD, Melbourne / Geelong / Mildura 76 - Environmental Planning Coordinator, City of Whittlesea, $99k, Melbourne * 77 - Surveillance Arborist, City of Whittlesea, $75k, Melbourne * 78 - Rural Environment Officer, Hume City Council, $75k, Broadmeadows, Melbourne * 79 - Bush Crew Team Member, Flora Victoria, Tullamarine, Melbourne * 80 - Senior Project Officer Permissions, DELWP, $88-100k, Melbourne * 81 - Bushland Team Member, Banyule Council, $67k, Greensborough, Melbourne * 82 - Foreshore Rangers (x2), City of Kingston, $61k, Melbourne * 83 - Bushland Ranger, City of Kingston, $61k, Melbourne * 84 - Unit Manager Sustainable Organisation & Community, City of Whittlesea, $113k, Melbourne * 85 - Coordinator Environmental Sustainability, Whitehorse City Council, $109-121k, Nunawading, Melbourne * 86 - Forest Campaign Coordinator, Victorian Forest Alliance, work from home 87 - Admin, Communications & Events (contractor), Ecological Consultants Assoc, work from home (ideally Victoria) 88 - Australian Climate Service (multiple positions), CSIRO, various locations * 89 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide - top - South Australia 90 - Communications Coordinator, Green Adelaide, DEW $82-91k, Adelaide * 91 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide - top - Northern Territory 92 - Regional Workplace Mentor, Central Land Council, $72-89k, Alice Springs * 93 - Spatial Systems & Data Officer, Central Land Council, $72-75k, Alice Springs * 94 - Rangeland Monitoring Officer, NT Government, $85-97k, Katherine 95 - Savanna Fire Mgt, Community Engagement & Project Support Officer, Thamarrurr DC, $88-90k, Wadeye * 96 - Mechanic, Warddeken Land Management, Kabulwarnamyo, West Arnhem Land * 97 - Chief Executive Officer, Arafura Swamp Rangers Aboriginal Corporation, $115-135k, Darwin 98 - Project Officer, Northern Land Council, Darwin * 99 - GIS Officer, Northern Land Council, Darwin * - top - Western Australia 100 - Regional Operations Manager (North-West), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Broome / Derby / Kimberley 101 - Operations Manager - Dambimangari & Yampi Sound, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Derby/Kimbolton 102 - Land Management Officers, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Kimberley 103 - Marine Operations Officer, Dambimangari Aboriginal Corporation, $75-85k, Derby * 104 - Marine Parks & Joint Management Project Officer, Dambimangari Aboriginal Corporation, $80-90k, Derby * 105 - Nyangumarta Female Ranger Coordinator, Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation, $89k, Bidyadanga & Broome 106 - Executive Officer (pt), Pilbara Regional Biosecurity Group, Pilbara region preferred (flexible) 107 - Kariyarra Land and Sea Manager, Kariyarra Aboriginal Corporation, South Hedland * 108 - Project Officers &/or Environmental Consultants, Nature Conservation Margaret River Region, Margaret River * 109 - Botanist (Principal/Senior/Graduate), Spectrum Ecology & Spatial, Perth 110 - Environmental Monitoring Officer, SE Regional Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL), $69-77k, Perth 111 - Environmental Officer & Senior Environmental Officer, DBCA, $96-122k, Perth * 112 - Aquatic Ecologist (Senior/Principal), Lateral Environmental, Perth * 113 - Aquatic Ecologist (Experienced), Lateral Environmental, Perth * 114 - Research Scientist - Biodiversity Monitoring, DBCA, $96-103k, Perth * 115 - Senior Field Management Officers (x2), Dept of Planning, Lands & Heritage, Perth * - top - International 116 - Environment Writer & Copy Editor (English), ICEM - International Centre for Enviro. Management, Hanoi, Vietnam * - top - |
Scholarships 117 - Masters Scholarship: Fire Ecology, University of Southern Queensland, $32k, Queensland * 118 - Call for Research Proposals - 2022-23, Torres Strait Scientific Advisory Committee, Australia - top - Volunteers 119 - Ramsar Non-Government CEPA Focal Point, Australia's Ramsar Administrative Authority, National - top - Tenders 120 - Call for Research Proposals - 2022-23, Torres Strait Scientific Advisory Committee, Australia - top - |
Events 121 - 2nd Australian Biosecurity Symposium, 3-5 May (Gold Coast), Early Bird Registrations close 28 January * 122 - WA Wetlands Conference 2-3 Feb 2022
, Cultural Wisdom & Scientific Innovation for our Wetlands - top - Courses 123 - Online Course: How to be an Efficient (Science) Writer, Self-study & Premium enrolments - top - Other 124 - Survey: Barriers to Using Drones in Enviro Management & Conservation, PhD project, James Cook Uni * - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Goanna' 1. Varanus giganteus is Australia's largest lizard, which can grow up to 2.5 metres long. What is its common name? 2. Is goanna oil made from goannas? 3. Who revealed himself to be 'The Goanna' in the Costigan Royal Commission in the early 1980s. 4. Varanus priscus was the largest-ever Australian lizard, and may have grown up to seven metres long. It went extinct perhaps 50,000 years ago. What is it better known as? 5. Fill in the missing words from this 1983 single by Australian band Goanna: "let the ... ... / let the wild lands be / the wilderness should be strong and free". Click here for answers - top - |
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