15 July, 2021
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA | International
Other: Scholarships | Boards | Volunteers | Events | Services | OtherQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Project Manager & Project Officer (Identified positions), Bush Heritage Australia, location flexible * 2 - GM Environmental Management, NGH Consulting, location flexible across the Eastern seaboard * 3 - Conservation Scientist, World Wide Fund for Nature Australia, location negotiable, Australia 4 - Spatial Systems Developer / Specialist, Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd, Sydney (preferred) or by negotiation * 5 - Communications & Engagement Manager, Wentworth Group, Sydney (preferred), other locations negotiable - top - Queensland 6 - MERI Officer, NQ Dry Tropics, $71-90k, Townsville, Ayr or Bowen 7 - Research Scientist - Enviro Data Analyst (Hydrology & Geomorphology), CSIRO Land & Water, Townsville * 8 - Field Vegetation Officers, Ecosure, Rockhampton 9 - Ecologist, Wild Environmental Consultants, Townsville or Brisbane * 10 - Oceans Project Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy, $79-90k, Noosa * 11 - Project Officers (various), Queensland Trust for Nature, $55-70k, Brisbane - top - New South Wales 12 - Lead Ecohydrologist, DPIE, $132k, location flexible * 13 - Ecologists (2 positions), Niche Environment & Heritage, location negotiable * 14 - Senior Ecologists (2 positions), Niche Environment & Heritage, location negotiable * 15 - Senior Land Management Officer (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary 16 - Sanctuary Manager (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary 17 - Reserve Manager & Field Officer (2 positions), Bush Heritage Australia, Boolcoomatta Station Reserve 18 - Wildlife Ecologist/ Senior Wildlife Ecologist (Pilliga), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Narrabri * 19 - Team Leader - Land Services, Dept of Regional NSW, $111k, Western NSW location * 20 - Senior Land Services Officer - Seed Services, Murray Local Land Services, $97k, Albury or Deniliquin * 21 - Investigator - Natural Resources, DPIE, $97k, Dubbo, Orange and Tamworth * 22 - Water Monitoring Officer, WaterNSW, Coffs Harbour * 23 - Professional/Senior Environmental Planner/Scientist - Impact Assessment, AECOM, Newcastle * 24 - Graduate Archaeologist, Biosis, Sydney or Wollongong 25 - Senior Horticulture, Nursery, , DPIE, $70-79k, Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan * 26 - Communications & Engagement Manager, Wentworth Group, Sydney (preferred), other locations negotiable 27 - Spatial Systems Developer / Specialist, Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd, Sydney (preferred) or by negotiation * 28 - Team Leader Invasive Species, Sutherland Shire Council, $76-80k, Sutherland, Sydney * - top - Australian Capital Territory 29 - Front-end Developer, Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA), Canberra * 30 - Environmental Officer, Evoenergy, $92k, Canberra * 31 - Communications & Marketing Manager, Centre for Invasive Species Solutions, Canberra * 32 - Vertebrate Pest Officer (Wild DogTrapper), ACT EPSD, $65-69k, Canberra * - top - Victoria 33 - Senior Land Management Officer (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary 34 - Sanctuary Manager (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary 35 - Energy Engineer, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water, $105-116k, Horsham * 36 - Landcare Facilitator NE Victoria, Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups, location neg. in Kiewa River Valley 37 - Forest Compliance Officer, VicForests, location negotiable * 38 - Ecologist Victoria, Bush Heritage Australia, Flexible location, Central Victoria 39 - Director, Mittagundi Outdoor Education Centre, Glen Valley 40 - Partnerships & Engagement Project Officer, West Gippsland CMA, $73-93k, Traralgon or Leongatha * 41 - Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network Facilitator, Latrobe CLN & West Gippsland CMA, $73-94k, Traralgon * 42 - Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network Coordinator, Latrobe CLN & West Gippsland CMA, $84-121k, Traralgon * 43 - NRM Field Officer, Native Habitat, Central Gippsland * 44 - Cultural Heritage Manager, Taungurung Land & Waters Council, $94-100k, Alexandra 45 - Water Management Officer, Taungurung Land & Waters Council, $88-92k, Alexandra 46 - Senior Forester Planning, North East, Vic Forests, Alexandra or Woori Yallock * 47 - Senior Ecologist, Ecology & Heritage Partners Pty Ltd, Geelong or Melbourne * 48 - Fire Management, Skout Solutions, Mornington * 49 - Technical Assistant, Biosis, Port Melbourne 50 - Senior Sustainability Programs Officer, Darebin City Council, $101k, Melbourne * 51 - Landscape Estimator, HAYS Recruiting, Melbourne 52 - GIS Developer, VicForests, Melbourne * 53 - Bushland Team Member, Maroondah City Council, $67k, Melbourne * 54 - Conservation Crew Leader / Project Manager, Naturelinks, Greater Melbourne & Victoria * 55 - Fire and Emergency Recovery Planning Coordinator, Parks Victoria, Knoxfield, Melbourne * - top - Tasmania 56 - PhDs: Safeguarding Biodiversity in Forest Landscapes x3 (birds, plants & beetles), Uni of Tas, Hobart - top - South Australia 57 - Reserve Manager & Field Officer (2 positions), Bush Heritage Australia, Bon Bon Station Reserve 58 - Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator, SA Arid Lands Landscape Board, $72-89k, Port Augusta * 59 - Reserve Manager & Field Officer (2 positions), Bush Heritage Australia, Boolcoomatta Station Reserve 60 - Senior Land Management Officer (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary 61 - Sanctuary Manager (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary 62 - Biodiversity Manager, Kangaroo Island Landscape Board, $95-100k, Kingscote, Kangaroo Island 63 - Project Officer, Sustainable Agriculture, Hills & Fleurieu Landscape Board, Willunga * 64 - Environmental Technician, Swainsona Seed Services, Adelaide Hills * 65 - Environmental Officer, Swainsona Seed Services, Adelaide Hills * 66 - Manager Hills Gardens, Botanic Gardens & State Herbarium, DEW, $92-98k, Adelaide 67 - Wildlife Ecologist, Dept for Environment & Water, $83-92k, Adelaide * 68 - Site Supervisor - On-ground Works, Trees For Life, Adelaide * 69 - Grains Biosecurity Officer, Primary Industries & Regions, $83-92k, Adelaide * - top - Northern Territory 70 - Manager, Arid Edge Environmental Services / Arid Lands Environment Centre, $90k, Alice Springs 71 - Chief District Ranger, NT Parks & Wildlife, $99-109k, Elsey National Park, Mataranka * 72 - Communication Manager, Territory Natural Resource Management, Darwin * 73 - Project Officer, Territory Natural Resource Management, Darwin * - top - Western Australia 74 - Balanggarra Youth Ranger Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council, $83-88k, Wyndham 75 - Internships & Volunteer positions, Ningaloo Turtle Program, Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area 76 - Culture & Heritage Specialist, PKKP Aboriginal Corporation, Karratha 77 - Senior Operations Officer, DBCA - Parks & Wildlife Service, $89-97k, Exmouth * 78 - Operations Officer, DBCA - Parks & Wildlife Service, $80-84k, Exmouth * 79 - Content and Communications Officer, South Coast NRM Inc, Albany * 80 - Land Management Officer (Mt Gibson), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Wubin 81 - Revegetation Technicians - Casual (Full-time), Tranen Revegetation Systems, Perth and Busselton 82 - Botanist (Principal/Senior Level), Spectrum Ecology & Spatial, Perth 83 - Zoologist (Mid-Level/Senior), Spectrum Ecology & Spatial, Perth 84 - Restoration Team Leader, Tranen Revegetation Systems, Perth 85 - Environmental Advisor, Banjima Native Title Aboriginal Corporation, $90k, Perth * 86 - Environmental Project Officer, City of Gosnells, $82-87k, Perth * 87 - Indigenous Events and Marketing Officer, Winyama, Perth (or remote) * - top - International 88 - Project Manager - Pacific Ocean Litter Project & Marine Pollution Officer, SPREP, Apia, Samoa * - top - |
Scholarships 89 - 2 PhD projects: eDNA Technology & Brown Snake Relocation, Australian National University, Canberra * 90 - PhDs: Safeguarding Biodiversity in Forest Landscapes x3 (birds, plants & beetles), Uni of Tas, Hobart 91 - Internships & Volunteer positions, Ningaloo Turtle Program, Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area - top - Board Members 92 - Board Director, Wet Tropics Management Authority, Queensland 93 - EOI: Chairperson of the Board, Southern Gulf NRM, Mount Isa 94 - Economics Members: Great Australian Bight Resource Assessment Group & Mgt Advisory Committee, AFMA - top - Volunteers 95 - Internships & Volunteer positions, Ningaloo Turtle Program, Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area - top - |
Events 96 - National Landcare Conference, 4-6 August, Online 97 - Coast to Coast Conference, Cairns, 26-29 July 2021, Australian Coastal Society 98 - NRM in the Rangelands Conference, 4-8 October 2021, Desert Channels & Australian Rangelands Society 99 - Australasian Seed Science Conference 2021, 6-10 September - online 100 - Island Arks Symposium VII, 5-9 September 2022, Phillip Island, Victoria 101 - Australasian Weeds Conference - 22AWC, 25-29 September 2022, Adelaide 102 - 2021 Territory Natural Resource Management Conference, Save the date - 16-18 November, Darwin - top - Professional Services 103 - Automatic weed control tracking and reporting, with the STA logger * - top - Other 104 - Nominate Landcare Champion, 2021 State and Territory Landcare Award, award categories open for nominations 105 - Landcarer: a social network with a purpose, Landcare Australia 106 - Small Grants for Heritage Agreement sites (SA only) - closes 23 August, Revitalising Private Conservation in SA - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Dark' 1. Australia's first IDA International Dark Sky Park was officially designated in 2016. Where is it? 2. Complete the first stanza of this poem by CJ Dennis: "Hist, hark, the night is very dark..." 3. What band wrote and recorded the single "I Will Follow You Into the Dark" in 2005? 4. What are the larvae of darkling beetles commonly known as? 5. In what year was Bruce Pascoe's Dark Emu first published? Click here for answers - top - |
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