8 July, 2021
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA | International
Other: Scholarships | Boards | Volunteers | Events | Courses | OtherQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Conservation Scientist, World Wide Fund for Nature Australia, location negotiable, Australia * 2 - Communications & Engagement Manager, Wentworth Group, Sydney (preferred), other locations negotiable * - top - Queensland 3 - Community Project Officer (pt), Southern Gulf NRM, $60-70k, Mount Isa 4 - Ranger, QPWS&P, $60-66k, Kutini-Payamu National Park * 5 - MERI Officer, NQ Dry Tropics, $71-90k, Townsville, Ayr or Bowen * 6 - Senior Engagement Officer, Murray-Darling Basin Authority, $90-99k, Goondiwindi * 7 - Certificate III Conservation & Land Management Traineeship, ECOllaboration Ltd, Nambour * 8 - Bush Regeneration Supervisors & Bush Regenerators, Ecosure, Brisbane * 9 - Arboriculture Climbing Officer, Brisbane City Council, Brisbane * 10 - Arboriculture Pruning Officer, Brisbane City Council, Brisbane * 11 - Mature Age Apprentice Arborist, Brisbane City Council, Various locations - Brisbane * 12 - Arboriculture Pruning Team Leader, Brisbane City Council, Brisbane * 13 - Senior Wildlife Biologist (Team Leader), Ecosure, Brisbane * 14 - Project Officers (various), Queensland Trust for Nature, $55-70k, Brisbane * - top - New South Wales 15 - Senior Land Management Officer (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary * 16 - Sanctuary Manager (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary * 17 - Senior Land Management Officer, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Mallee Cliffs / Mildura 18 - Local Landcare Coordinator, Ricegrowers' Association, Deniliquin * 19 - Research Leader Marine Ecosystems, DPI Fisheries, $128k, Port Stephens or Coffs Harbour * 20 - Bush Regenerator, Kleinfelder Australia, Newcastle, Maitland & Hunter * 21 - Aquatic Ecologist, Niche Environment & Heritage, Wollongong 22 - Graduate Archaeologist, Biosis, Sydney or Wollongong * 23 - Bush Regenerators, Eco Logical Australia, Western Sydney 24 - Community Greening Officer, DPIE, $85k, Sydney region / Sydney City 25 - Tree Planting, Ecoplant, Sydney * 26 - Environmental Volunteer Support Officer, Ku-ring-gai Council, Sydney * 27 - Geospatial Analyst, GreenCollar, Sydney * 28 - Communications & Engagement Manager, Wentworth Group, Sydney (preferred), other locations negotiable * - top - Australian Capital Territory 29 - Research Officer (Conservation & Reintroduction), Australian National University, $71-84k, Canberra * 30 - Ranger In Charge, EPSD - Parks & Conservation Service, $88-101k, Canberra * - top - Victoria 31 - Manager, Forest Conservation & Research, VicForests, location negotiable * 32 - Engagement Specialist, Future Stewards, Conservation Volunteers Australia, flexible location * 33 - Environmental Project Officers (x2), Mallee Catchment Management Authority, Mildura * 34 - Coordinator Wetlands and Waterways, Mallee Catchment Management Authority, $92k, Mildura * 35 - Senior Land Management Officer, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Mallee Cliffs / Mildura 36 - Senior Land Management Officer (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary * 37 - Sanctuary Manager (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary * 38 - Landcare Facilitator NE Victoria, Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups, location neg. in Kiewa River Valley * 39 - Ecologist Victoria, Bush Heritage Australia, Flexible location, Central Victoria * 40 - Director, Mittagundi Outdoor Education Centre, Glen Valley 41 - Project Coordinator, East Gippsland CMA, $70k, Bairnsdale * 42 - Biodiversity Protection Officer - Leongatha based, South Gippsland Landcare Network, Leongatha * 43 - Communications & Marketing Lead, West Gippsland CMA, $84-121k, Traralgon or Leongatha * 44 - Cultural Heritage Manager, Taungurung Land & Waters Council, $94-100k, Alexandra * 45 - Water Management Officer, Taungurung Land & Waters Council, $88-92k, Alexandra * 46 - Landcare Facilitator (pt), Geelong Landcare Network Incorporated, Inverleigh 47 - Team Leader - Brambuk: The National Park & Cultural Centre, Parks Victoria, $90-97k, Halls Gap * 48 - Bush Regenerator, Australis Biological, Mornington Peninsula * 49 - Sessional Conservation Land Management Teacher, Melbourne Polytechnic, Melbourne 50 - NRM / Bushland Crew Members, Western Land Services, western regions, Melbourne 51 - Horticulturalist, Western Plains Flora P/L, Melbourne 52 - Technical Assistant, Biosis, Port Melbourne 53 - Conservation Officers, Hume City Council, $64k, Broadmeadows, Melbourne 54 - Program Coordinator (Biodiversity), Earthwatch Institute, Melbourne * 55 - Species Project Officers (x2), Birdlife Australia, $47-59k, Melbourne * 56 - Landscape Estimator, HAYS Recruiting, Melbourne * 57 - Crew Natural Resource Management, Melbourne Water, Melbourne * - top - Tasmania 58 - PhDs: Safeguarding Biodiversity in Forest Landscapes x3 (birds, plants & beetles), Uni of Tas, Hobart - top - South Australia 59 - Reserve Manager & Field Officer (2 positions), Bush Heritage Australia, Bon Bon Station Reserve * 60 - Senior Land Management Officer (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary * 61 - Sanctuary Manager (Scotia), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Scotia Sanctuary * 62 - Biodiversity Manager, Kangaroo Island Landscape Board, $95-100k, Kingscote, Kangaroo Island * 63 - Project Officer, Weir Pool Investigations, DEW, $83-92k, Adelaide or Berri 64 - Project Officer, Hills & Fleurieu Landscape Board, $72-75k, Mt Barker/Willunga 65 - Regional Coordinator, Grazing Pressure Management, Hills & Fleurieu Landscape Board, $83-92k, Mt Barker 66 - Bush Regeneration Operator, Environmental Weed Control & Revegetation, Mt Lofty Ranges & Fleurieu Peninsula 67 - Ecologist, Succession Ecology, $70-80k, Adelaide 68 - Revegetation Coordinator, Succession Ecology, $65-75k, Adelaide 69 - Senior Project Officer, DEW, $95-100k, Adelaide 70 - Manager Hills Gardens, Botanic Gardens & State Herbarium, DEW, $92-98k, Adelaide * - top - Northern Territory 71 - Ranger - Facilitator, Laynhapuy Homelands Aboriginal Corporation, $82-86k, Yirrkala * 72 - Manager, Arid Edge Environmental Services / Arid Lands Environment Centre, $90k, Alice Springs 73 - Land Manager, Jawoyn Association Aboriginal Corporation, $100k, Katherine * 74 - Senior Vegetation Scientist, NT Government, $100-119k, Palmerston * 75 - Regional Anthropologists (x2), Northern Land Council, $75-101k, Darwin - top - Western Australia 76 - Invasive Species Manager, Dept of Agriculture, Water & Environment, $105-120k, Christmas Island * 77 - Kija Ranger Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council, $83-91k, Warmun / Turkey Creek 78 - Fire Management Officer, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Broome 79 - Project Officer - Carbon, Kimberley Land Council, Broome 80 - Internships & Volunteer positions, Ningaloo Turtle Program, Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area 81 - Ngurrara Ranger Coordinator (male), Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation, $68-74k, Fitzroy Crossing 82 - Balanggarra Youth Ranger Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council, $83-88k, Wyndham * 83 - Culture & Heritage Specialist, PKKP Aboriginal Corporation, Karratha * 84 - Land Management Officer (Mt Gibson), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Wubin * 85 - Revegetation Technicians - Casual (Full-time), Tranen Revegetation Systems, Perth and Busselton * 86 - Birriliburu IPA Coordinator, Desert Support Services, $75-85k, East Perth or regional (negotiable) * 87 - Botanist (Principal/Senior Level), Spectrum Ecology & Spatial, Perth 88 - Zoologist (Mid-Level/Senior), Spectrum Ecology & Spatial, Perth 89 - Emerging Ranger Teams Coordinator, Desert Support Services, $75-85k, East Perth 90 - Restoration Team Leader, Tranen Revegetation Systems, Perth - top - International 91 - Invasive Species Manager, Dept of Agriculture, Water & Environment, $105-120k, Christmas Island * - top - |
Scholarships 92 - PhDs: Safeguarding Biodiversity in Forest Landscapes x3 (birds, plants & beetles), Uni of Tas, Hobart 93 - Internships & Volunteer positions, Ningaloo Turtle Program, Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area - top - Board Members 94 - EOI: Chairperson of the Board, Southern Gulf NRM, Mount Isa 95 - Economics Members: Great Australian Bight Resource Assessment Group & Mgt Advisory Committee, AFMA 96 - Board Director, Wet Tropics Management Authority, Queensland * 97 - Chair and Additional Board Member, Capital Region Landkeepers Trust, Canberra * - top - Volunteers 98 - Chair and Additional Board Member, Capital Region Landkeepers Trust, Canberra * 99 - Internships & Volunteer positions, Ningaloo Turtle Program, Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area - top - |
Events 100 - Australasian Wildlife Management Society conference, 7-9 December - Online * 101 - National Landcare Conference, 4-6 August, Online 102 - Combined NSW & VIC Weeds Conference, Albury - postponed to 21-24 March, 2022 103 - Nature Festival, South Australia, 25 September - 4 October, 2021 104 - Biodiversity Conference - Perth, 15-17 September, Registrations now open - top - Courses 105 - Landcare Webinar Series, Landcare Australia 106 - Short Course: Planning With Communities - Facilitation & Conflict Resolution, Adelaide, 14-16 September * - top - Other 107 - Landcarer: a social network with a purpose, Landcare Australia 108 - Small Grants for Heritage Agreement sites (SA only) - closes 23 August, Revitalising Private Conservation in SA 109 - 2021 NT Natural Resource Management Awards, Nominations now open! 110 - Nominate Landcare Champion, 2021 State and Territory Landcare Award, award categories open for nominations - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Gecko' 1. How many digits are there on a gecko's foot? 2. The gecko Underwoodisaurus milii has a distinctive tail and call. What is it commonly known as? 3. How many species of geckos are native to Tasmania? 4. How is the gecko species Hemidactylus frenatus different from all others in Australia? 5. In what 1987 movie did the character Gordon Gecko feature? (bonus which actor played Gecko?). Click here for answers - top - |
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