17 June, 2021
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA | International
Other: Scholarships | Boards | Tenders | Events | Courses | OtherQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Wildlife Ecologist (National Science - Land Management), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, location negotiable * 2 - Restoration Director, Asia Pacific, Conservation International, Australia * - top - Queensland 3 - Indigenous Partnerships & NRM Planning Officers (2 positions), NGRMG, Mareeba or Georgetown * 4 - Sugarcane Extension Agronomist, Mossman Agricultural Services, Mossman * 5 - Program Manager (Verification & Training), Aboriginal Carbon Foundation, Cairns * 6 - NRM Implementation Manager, Nexus Executive Services, Townsville 7 - Grazing Team Leader x 2, NQ Dry Tropics, $86-101k, Townsville & Bowen 8 - Landcare Coordinator, Dalrymple Landcare Committee, $70-80k, Charters Towers * 9 - Graduate Ecologist, Ecosure, Rockhampton * 10 - Technical Officer - Conservation & Pest Management, Toowoomba Regional Council, $72-77k, Charlton, Toowoomba * 11 - Field Ranger, Seqwater, $60k, Moogerah * 12 - Aquatic Ecologist / Environmental Scientist, frc environmental, Cleveland 13 - Natural Areas Offsets Officer, City Of Gold Coast, $81-86k, Gold Coast 14 - Natural Areas Team Members, Austspray Environmental, Gold Coast * 15 - Senior Scientist, Dept of Environment & Science, $97-105k, Brisbane * 16 - Professor of Mining Geology, Sustainable Minerals Institute - UQ, $189k, Brisbane * - top - New South Wales 17 - Project Officer, Australian Association for Environmental Education (NSW), location anywhere in NSW * 18 - Senior Land Management Officer, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Mallee Cliffs / Mildura * 19 - Admin & Operations Support Officer, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Mallee Cliffs (near Mildura) * 20 - Admin & Operations Support Officer (pt), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Narrabri * 21 - Environmental Health Officer, National Parks & Wildlife Service, $90-100k, Regional NSW / Riverina & Murray * 22 - Electronic Production Assembly, ICT International, Armidale * 23 - Woodland Bird Project Coordinator, Birdlife Australia, $68k, Central NSW, Cowra region * 24 - Land Services Officer (Bushfire Recovery Project), Dept of Regional NSW, $85k, Lithgow 25 - Biosecurity Officers (x2), Local Land Services, $72k, Goulburn & Braidwood * 26 - Field Ecologist, Forestry Corporation of NSW, Eden 27 - Fire Ecology Education Project Officer, Mid Coast 2 Tops Landcare Connection, Mid Coast Council region 28 - Manager, Biodiversity Offsets Program, Biodiversity Conservation Trust - DPIE, $148-164k, Parramatta (neg.) 29 - Site Manager, Greater West Environmental, Western Sydney * 30 - Experienced Team Member, Greater West Landscapes, Western Sydney * 31 - Bush Regenerator, Blacktown City Council, Sydney * 32 - Quoting / Sales Coordinator, Dragonfly Environmental, $70k, Avalon, Sydney * 33 - Business Manager, Bushland Management Services, National Trust of Australia (NSW), $80-85k, Sydney * - top - Victoria 34 - Senior Land Management Officer, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Mallee Cliffs / Mildura * 35 - Admin & Operations Support Officer, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Mallee Cliffs (near Mildura) * 36 - SE Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Recovery Project Coordinator, Birdlife Australia, $54k, SA or Victoria * 37 - Director, Mittagundi Outdoor Education Centre, Glen Valley * 38 - Regional Landcare & Volunteer Coordinator (job share), Corangamite CMA, $105-119k, Colac (neg.) 39 - Senior Project Manager, Corangamite CMA, Colac * 40 - Environmental Impact Officer, Parks Victoria, $90-97k, Melbourne or Morwell * 41 - Program Coordinator Environmental Impact, Parks Victoria, $98-106k, Melbourne or Morwell * 42 - Depot Manager, Acacia Environmental Management, St Andrews 43 - Biosphere Program Manager, Western Port Biosphere Reserve Foundation, Hastings * 44 - Senior Impact Assessor, DELWP, $101-122k, Melbourne (flexible) * 45 - Sessional Conservation Land Management Teacher, Melbourne Polytechnic, Melbourne 46 - Manager - NRM & Economic Development, Federation of Vic Traditional Owner Corps, $118-130k, Melbourne 47 - Bushland & Wetland Maintenance Officer, City of Monash, $66-73k, Melbourne * 48 - Ecological Consultant, Practical Ecology Pty Ltd, Melbourne * 49 - Environmental Planning Officer, Hume City Council, $89k, Melbourne * - top - Tasmania 50 - Natural Resources Scientist, Tasmanian Irrigation, Launceston * 51 - Environment Coordinator, Tasmanian Irrigation, Launceston * 52 - PhDs: Safeguarding Biodiversity in Forest Landscapes x3 (birds, plants & beetles), Uni of Tas, Hobart - top - South Australia 53 - Executive Officer, Spencer Gulf & West Coast Prawn Fishermen's Association, $90-120k, Pt Lincoln 54 - SE Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo Recovery Project Coordinator, Birdlife Australia, $54k, SA or Victoria * 55 - Team Leader, Habitat Conservation, Limestone Coast Landscape Board, $95-100k, Mt Gambier or Naracoorte 56 - Knowledge Broker: SA Drought Adoption & Innovation Hub, Pinion/Ag Excellence, $90-110k, Roseworthy (flexible) 57 - Regional Data Officer, DEW - Green Adelaide, $80-89k, Adelaide 58 - Water Projects Officer, DEW, $95-$100k, Adelaide * - top - Northern Territory 59 - Mimal Strong Women Healthy Country Network Coordinator, Mimal Land Management, $86-94k, Arnhem Land 60 - Environmental Project Supervisor, NEAL Aboriginal Corporation, Nhulunbuy * 61 - Numbulwar Ranger Coordinator, Northern Land Council, $73-87k, Numbulwar 62 - Ganalanga-Mindibirrina IPA Coordinator, Northern Land Council, $90-101k, Borroloola 63 - Waanyi Garawa & Garawa Ranger Coordinator, Northern Land Council, $90-101k, Borroloola 64 - Human Resources Manager, EON Foundation, $90k, Katherine or Subiaco 65 - Senior Director Parks & Wildlife Operations, DEPWS, $237k, Alice Springs, Katherine or Darwin 66 - Communications Officer, Territory Outback, $75-85k, Darwin 67 - Learning on Country Project Officer, Northern Land Council, $75-87k, Darwin 68 - Senior Manager, Compliance Operations, Australian Fisheries Management Authority, $128-149k, Darwin * 69 - Hydrogeologist, NT Dept of Environment, Parks & Water Security, $75-119k, Darwin * 70 - Senior Hydrogeologist, NT Dept of Environment, Parks & Water Security, $122-137k, Darwin * 71 - VET Lecturer / Workplace Assessor - Horticulture, Charles Darwin University, $68-102k, Darwin * - top - Western Australia 72 - Project Manager, EON Foundation, Jigalong 73 - Nyaliga Ranger Coordinator, Wilinggin Aboriginal Corporation, Karunjie Station 74 - Visitor Centre Assistant (Pool), DBCA, Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area, Exmouth * 75 - Country Manager Training & Mentoring Coordinator, Nyamba Buru Yawuru, Cable Beach, Broome * 76 - Land Management Officers, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Kimberley * 77 - Ranger Team Coordinator - Ngaanyatjarra Lands, NG Council Group, $74-86k, Ngaanyatjarra Lands * 78 - Ranger, DBCA, $55-69k, Stirling Range National Park * 79 - Human Resources Manager, EON Foundation, $90k, Katherine or Subiaco 80 - Spatial Ecologist, Spectrum Ecology & Spatial, Leederville, Perth 81 - Technical Officer (Flatback Turtle Conservation Program), DBCA, $71-77k, Kensington, Perth * - top - International 82 - Agricultural Adviser (Land Management & Grazing Systems), Natural Resources Dept, £37-40k, Falkland Islands - top - |
Scholarships 83 - PhDs: Safeguarding Biodiversity in Forest Landscapes x3 (birds, plants & beetles), Uni of Tas, Hobart 84 - Masters & PhD Scholarships in Ecology & Conservation, University of New England, Armidale, NSW * - top - Board Members 85 - Board positions, Forest Practices Authority, Tasmania * 86 - Advisory Council positions, Forest Practices Authority, Tasmania * - top - Tenders 87 - 4th Environmental Assessment of the Australian cotton industry, Cotton Research & Development Corporation * - top - |
Events 88 - National Landcare Conference, 4-6 August, Online 89 - LGNSW Water Management Conference 2021, 7-9 July 2021 90 - Island Arks Symposium VII, 5-9 September 2022, Phillip Island, Victoria 91 - Australasian Seed Science Conference 2021, 6-10 September - online 92 - Biodiversity Conference - Perth, 15-17 September, Registrations now open - top - Courses 93 - Online Course: How to be an Efficient Writer, Writing Clear Science - opens 24 June, 2021 94 - Course: Engaging Communities: Transforming Facilitation & Conflict Resolution, Cairns, 20-22 July - top - Other 95 - Nominate Landcare Champion, 2021 State and Territory Landcare Award, award categories open for nominations 96 - 2021 NT Natural Resource Management Awards, Nominations now open! - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Abbreviations' 1. What does the abbreviation COVID-19 stand for? 2. What does WSUD stand for? 3. In twitcher slang, what is an LBJ? 4. What is N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine better known as? 5. What is the GBRMPA? Click here for answers - top - |
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