22 April, 2021
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | SA | NT | WA
Other: Events | CoursesQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Chief Executive Officer, Farmers for Climate Action, $130-155k, flexible location * 2 - Wildlife Ecologist (South-east), AWC, Yookamurra Wildlife Sanctuary (or as agreed) - top - Queensland 3 - Senior NRM Officer, Torres Strait Regional Authority, $77-89k, Thursday Island * 4 - Land Management Supervisor, Spotless, Weipa * 5 - Sugarcane Extension Agronomist, Mossman Agricultural Services, Mossman 6 - Communications Coordinator, Southern Gulf NRM, $65-82k, Mount Isa * 7 - Wildlife Ecologist (North-east), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Cairns * 8 - Senior Scientist, NRA Environmental Consultants, Cairns or Townsville 9 - Senior Planning Officer, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, $81-92k, Cairns or Townsville * 10 - Vegetation Unit Project Coordinator, Biodiversity Australia, Townsville * 11 - Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF), Reef Catchments, $65-80k, Mackay or Proserpine 12 - Ecologist (Terrestrial), CQG Consulting, Rockhampton 13 - People, Culture & Business Services Manager, Burnett Mary Regional Group, Bargara * 14 - Partnerships & Strategy Manager, Burnett Mary Regional Group, Bargara * 15 - SEQ Bush Regenerators, Ecosure, Sunshine Coast 16 - Wildlife Veterinarian, Endeavour Veterinary Ecology, Toorbul (Moreton Bay) * 17 - Wildlife Veterinary Nurse, Endeavour Veterinary Ecology, Toorbul (Moreton Bay) * 18 - Restoration and Protection Project Coordinator, WWF - Australia, Northern Rivers (NSW) or Brisbane - top - New South Wales 19 - Field Ecologist - Fauna, AMBS Ecology & Heritage, throughout NSW 20 - Operations Manager, CO2 Australia Limited, Canberra or Wagga Wagga * 21 - Team Leader Rangers - NPMP (x2), NPWS, $111-122k, Mudgee & Bulga 22 - Restoration and Protection Project Coordinator, WWF - Australia, Northern Rivers (NSW) or Brisbane 23 - Biosecurity Projects Coordinator (SLSO), Dept of Regional NSW, $97k, Central Tablelands region * 24 - Bush Regenerator, Kleinfelder, Newcastle * 25 - Visitor Services Officer, DPIE, $64k, Bathurst & Central West * 26 - Events & Venue Officer, DPIE, $72k, Bathurst & Central West * 27 - Horticultural Labourer, DPIE, $52k, Mount Tomah, Blue Mountains * 28 - Volunteer Engagement Officer, Greater Sydney Landcare Network, $25k, Penrith * 29 - Bush Regeneration Field Officer, Apunga Ecological Management, Sydney & surrounds 30 - Bush Regenerator - Supervisor, Apunga Ecological Management, Greater Sydney area 31 - Natural Area Specialist (Bush Regenerator), Dragonfly Environmental, Sydney & surrounding * 32 - Water Monitoring Area Manager (Greater Sydney), WaterNSW, Nepean/Parramatta/Warragamba * 33 - Experienced Ecologist, Total Earth Care, Work from home or based in Warriewood, Sydney 34 - Bush Regenerators, Eco Logical Australia, Western Sydney * 35 - Teacher Conservation Land Management, TAFE NSW, Strathfield, Sydney * 36 - Horticultural Labourers (x3), Australian Botanic Garden, $52k, Mt Annan, Sydney * 37 - Site Supervisor, Dragonfly Environmental, Sydney Metro * - top - Australian Capital Territory 38 - Operations Manager, CO2 Australia Limited, Canberra or Wagga Wagga * - top - Victoria 39 - Natural Environment Programs Officer, DELWP, $87-99k, Gippsland Region (flexible) * 40 - Trainees, Conservation & Land Management (x6), Envite/Workways, Orbost (x3), Cann River/Mallacoota (x3) * 41 - District Manager, Parks Victoria, $119-140k, Bairnsdale * 42 - Plantation Improvement Coordinator, HVP Plantations, Gippsland (Churchill) 43 - District Manager, Parks Victoria, $119-140k, Bendigo * 44 - Field Ecologist, Ecology and Heritage Partners, Melbourne &/or Geelong * 45 - Arborist, Cardinia Shire Council, $82k, Pakenham * 46 - Consultant Botanist / Botanist, Ecology and Heritage Partners, Melbourne (preferred) or Geelong * 47 - Restoration Program Lead, Trust for Nature, $89-102k, Melbourne * 48 - Senior GIS Analyst, Nature Advisory, Melbourne 49 - Bush Crew Member, Indigenous Design Environmental Management, North Eastern Melbourne, Research * 50 - Environmental Works Team Member, Platypus Environmental Services, Greater Melbourne (East & South East) * 51 - Senior NRM Adviser, Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations, Melbourne * 52 - Economic & Business Development Advisor, Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations, Melbourne * 53 - Advisor - Environment & Heritage, V/Line, Melbourne * - top - South Australia 54 - Reserve Manager, Bush Heritage Australia, Bon Bon Reserve * 55 - Reintroduction Ecologist, Dept for Environment & Water, $83-92k, Port Augusta 56 - Wildlife Ecologist (South-east), AWC, Yookamurra Wildlife Sanctuary (or as agreed) 57 - Regional Fire Management Officer, DEW, $83-92k, Kingscote, Kangaroo Island * 58 - Native Grassland Field Technician, Seeding Natives Inc., Mt Pleasant 59 - Technical Officer - Rabbit Control, DPIR - Biosecurity SA, $70-75k, Adelaide 60 - Program Leader, Water & Infrastructure Corridors, DEW, $101-110k, Adelaide * 61 - Adviser, Water Infrastructure & Operations, DEW, Adelaide * - top - Northern Territory 62 - Ranger Coordinator, Anindilyakwa Land Council, Groote Eylandt 63 - Ranger Workshop Coordinator / Mentor, Thamarrurr Development Corporation, $65-70k, Wadeye - top - Western Australia 64 - Senior Ranger (Marine) - Vessels Master, DBCA, $71-75k, Kununurra or Broome * 65 - Coordinator for the Nowanup Cultural Program, Gondwana Link, $80k, Albany 66 - Interpretative Guide (casual), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Perth Hills * 67 - Wildlife Ecologist (South-west), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Karakamia Wildlife Sanctuary, Perth 68 - Environmental Field Technician, Natural Area Consulting Management & Services, Perth * - top - |
Events 69 - 18th Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference, 25-27 May, 2021 | virtual event 70 - NRM in the Rangelands Conference, 4-8 October 2021, Desert Channels & Australian Rangelands Society 71 - Coast to Coast Conference, Cairns, 26-29 July 2021, Australian Coastal Society 72 - NCC 2021 Bushfire Conference, Cool, Warm, Hot: the burning questions 73 - Australasian Weeds Conference - 22AWC, 25-29 September 2022, Adelaide 74 - Society for Ecological Restoration conference, May 10-13, Darwin 75 - 12th International Conference & Workshop on Lobster Biology & Management, Postponed to 2022 - top - Courses 76 - Course: Engaging Communities: Transforming Facilitation & Conflict Resolution, Cairns, 20-22 July * 77 - Online Course: How to be an Efficient Writer, Writing Clear Science - opens 29 April, 2021 - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Quail' 1. Which of the following is not an Australian native species: (a) Brown quail (Coturnix ypsilophora) (b) Gambel's quail (Callipepla gambelii) (c) King quail (Coturnix chinensis victoriae) (d) Stubble quail (Coturnix pectoralis). 2. What is the collective noun for a group of quails? 3. What does it mean "to quail"? 4. Dan Quayle was Vice President to which US President? 5. What is a baby quail called? Click here for answers - top - |
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