11 March, 2021
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA
Other: Scholarships | Boards | Tenders | Events | OtherQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Fundraising & Partnerships Co-ordinator (identified), Wirrigan Group, $85-116k, Qld, NSW, Vic or Tas * 2 - Senior Compliance Manager, GreenCollar Group, NSW preferred (but will consider other States) * 3 - Mid-level Ecologist, Ecoplanning Pty Ltd, Thirroul, NSW preferred (other locations considered) * 4 - Marine Communications Campaigner, Save Our Marine Life, $75-85k, location flexible, Australia - top - Queensland 5 - Ranger Coordinators (x2), South Cape York Catchments, $66k, Cooktown/Hope Vale & Coen (FIFO considered) * 6 - PBC Capacity & Economic Development Project Officer, Carpentaria Land Council, $75-81k, Cairns * 7 - Ranger - Great Barrier Reef & Marine Parks Region, QPWS, $60-66k, Magnetic Island * 8 - Project Officer, Waterways, Wetlands & Coasts, NQ Dry Tropics, $59-75k, Townsville 9 - Natural Areas Ranger, Bundaberg Regional Council, $62k, Bundaberg * 10 - Local Engagement Officer, DAWE - Commonwealth Environmental Water Office, $82-93k, Goondiwindi (negotiable) * 11 - Property Manager - Thornton View Station, Turner Family Foundation, Thornton * 12 - Natural Areas Planning Officer, City of Gold Coast, $81k, Gold Coast * - top - New South Wales 13 - Spatial Analyst, DPIE, $97-107k, flexible NSW location * 14 - Senior Compliance Manager, GreenCollar Group, NSW preferred (but will consider other States) * 15 - Senior Field Officer, NPWS, $68-72k, Willandra * 16 - NRM Project Officer (LSO), Dept of Regional NSW, $85k, Bourke 17 - Ecologist, Biodiversity Conservation Trust, $93-103k, Albury, Wagga (or neg. in Murray Riverina) * 18 - Field Officers General Operations, NPWS, $42k, Tenterfield & Glenn Innes * 19 - Ecologist (Mid-Level), ReconEco, Lismore, Northern NSW 20 - Ecologist (Casual/Part-time), ReconEco, Lismore 21 - Senior Conservation Field Officer, Sky Land Management, Maitland base (with travel) * 22 - Ecologist (Botanist), Umwelt (Australia) Pty Ltd, Newcastle 23 - Ecologist / Spatial Analyst, Umwelt (Australia) Pty Ltd, Newcastle 24 - Principal Restoration Ecologist, Umwelt (Australia) Pty Ltd, Newcastle 25 - Restoration Ecologist, Umwelt (Australia) Pty Ltd, Newcastle 26 - Senior Ecologist - Newcastle, Jacobs, Newcastle * 27 - Bush Regeneration Field Worker, Litoria ERS Pty Ltd, Newcastle & Central Coast * 28 - Senior Ecologist ACT/NSW, Ecology and Heritage Partners, ACT or NSW 29 - Senior or Principal Ecologist, Umwelt (Australia) Pty Ltd, Canberra pref. (or southern NSW) 30 - Ecologist South East NSW, Bush Heritage Australia, $85-$104, location flexible in South East NSW * 31 - Aquatic Ecology Consultant, Niche Environment & Heritage, Wollongong 32 - Mid-level Ecologist, Ecoplanning Pty Ltd, Thirroul, NSW preferred (other locations considered) * 33 - Local Landcare Coordinator, Greater Sydney Landcare Network, $79k, Penrith * 34 - Public Spaces Tree Assessment Officer, Penrith City Council, $80-92k, Penrith * 35 - Conservation Director, Invasive Species Council, $80-95k, Sydney, Blue Mountains, Canberra area * 36 - Site Supervisor, Dragonfly Environmental, Sydney Metro 37 - Coastal Land Care Labourer (Casuals), Dept of Regional NSW, Kurnell, Sydney 38 - Part-Time Bushcare Supervisor, City of Ryde, $57-61k, North Ryde, Sydney * 39 - Senior Ecologist - Sydney, Jacobs, Sydney * 40 - Special Projects Crew, Toolijooa Pty Ltd, Greater Sydney Region * 41 - Bush Regen Crew Members, Toolijooa Pty Ltd, Greater Sydney region * - top - Australian Capital Territory 42 - Land Management Manager, Spotless, Canberra * 43 - Assistant Directors, Plant Sciences & Risk Assessment, DAWE, $107-116k, Canberra * 44 - Conservation Director, Invasive Species Council, $80-95k, Sydney, Blue Mountains, Canberra area * 45 - Senior Ecologist ACT/NSW, Ecology and Heritage Partners, ACT or NSW 46 - Senior or Principal Ecologist, Umwelt (Australia) Pty Ltd, Canberra pref. (or southern NSW) - top - Victoria 47 - Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting (MER) Coordinator, Mallee CMA, $108-116k, Mildura * 48 - Program Coordinator - Drought Resilience, Mallee CMA, $79-87k, Mildura * 49 - Trainee Environmental Field Technician / Hydrographer, ALS Hydrographics, Hamilton * 50 - Local to Landscape Facilitator, Biolinks Alliance, $70k, flexible (from home), ideally in Heathcote region 51 - Depot Assistant, Acacia Environmental Management, St Andrews 52 - Bushland Management Crew Members, Diverse Bush Management, Dandenong Ranges 53 - Tree Worker - Climbing Arborist, Arbor Solutions, $62-78k, Melbourne (Eastern suburbs & Mornington Pen.) * 54 - Natural Reserve Ranger, Cardinia Shire Council, $62k, Melbourne 55 - Research Software Engineer - Biosecurity, University of Melbourne, $105-124k, Melbourne 56 - Project Ecologist, Jacobs, Melbourne * 57 - Consultant Botanist / Botanist, Ecology and Heritage Partners, Melbourne (preferred) or Geelong * 58 - Biodiversity Officer, Hobsons Bay City Council, $84-92k, Melbourne * 59 - Tree worker, A&J Vegetation Management, Melbourne * 60 - Zoologist, Biosis, Melbourne * 61 - Research Assistants - Ecology (x2), Biosis, Melbourne * 62 - Botanist, Biosis, Melbourne * - top - Tasmania 63 - Mitigation Officer, Tasmania Fire Service, $72-84k, Launceston * - top - South Australia 64 - Threatened Fauna Ecologist, Murraylands & Riverland Landscape Board, Murray Bridge or Berri 65 - KI Native Plant Nursery Assistant Manager, Kangaroo Island Landscape Board, Kingscote, Kangaroo Island 66 - Adviser, Dept for Environment & Water, $101-110k, Adelaide - top - Northern Territory 67 - Mining & Sustainability Manager, Anindilyakwa Land Council, Groote Eylandt * 68 - Senior Ranger, NT Parks & Wildlife, $85-96k, Trephina Gorge, Alice Springs * 69 - Projects Officer, Central Land Council, $76-88k, Alice Springs * 70 - Ranger, NT Parks & Wildlife, $61-72k, Fogg Dam, Adelaide River * 71 - Project Advisor - Savanna Fire Management, Indigenous Land & Sea Corporation, $84-91k, Darwin * 72 - Caring for Country) Contract Administration Officer, Northern Land Council, $73-87k, Darwin * - top - Western Australia 73 - Ngurrara Ranger Coordinator (male), Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation, $68k, Fitzroy Crossing 74 - Mayala Land & Sea Strategic Projects Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council, $83-88k, Broome or Ardyaloon (neg.) 75 - Nyangumarta Female Ranger Coordinator, Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corp., $88k, Bidyadanga & Broome 76 - Conservation Employee, DBCA, $48-56k, Kalgoorlie * 77 - Biodiversity Project Officer, NACC NRM, $62-73k, Geraldton or Perenjori (other locations considered) * 78 - Environmental Field Crew, Natural Area Consulting Management & Services, Perth * - top - |
Scholarships 79 - PhD: Determining Sediment Provenance to Evaluate Rehabilitation Success, CQU, Gladstone 80 - PhD: Assessing Value of Improved Connectivity in Subtropical Estuarine Fish Habitats, CQU, Gladstone 81 - PhD: Non-Market Valuation Techniques to Assess Environmental Assets & Functions, CQU, Gladstone 82 - PhD: Seaweed Cultivation for Biofiltration of Nutrients from Great Barrier Reef Lagoon, CQU, Gladstone - top - Board Members 83 - Board Member (Ecologist), Threatened Species Conservancy, location negotiable in Australia - top - Tenders 84 - Supply of Weed Control Services (Expressions of Interest sought), Desert Channels Queensland * 85 - Supply of Weed Control Plant & Equipment (Expressions of Interest sought), Desert Channels Queensland * - top - |
Events 86 - NRM in the Rangelands Conference, 4-8 October 2021, Desert Channels & Australian Rangelands Society 87 - Coast to Coast Conference, Cairns, 26-29 July 2021, Australian Coastal Society 88 - Australasian Weeds Conference - 22AWC, 25-29 September 2022, Adelaide 89 - Society for Ecological Restoration conference, May 10-13, Darwin - top - Other 90 - Linking Landscapes Grants (SA only) - closes 19 April, Revitalising Private Conservation in SA * - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Worms' 1. The world's largest earthworm, Megascolides australis (aka karmai) can reportedly grow up to three metres long. Where in Australia would you find it? 2. Who spent 40 years studying the role of earthworms in soil formation, and published his findings in a book titled The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms? 3. Where would you find the giant, fictional worm known reverentially as Shai-Hulud? 4. Hypolimnus pedderensis was the first species of earthworm recorded to have been sent extinct by human activities. Where did it live? 5. What is the missing word in William Blake's famous short poem: "O Rose thou art sick / The ... worm / That flies in the night / In the howling storm / Has found out thy bed / Of crimson joy / And his dark secret love / Does thy life destroy." Click here for answers - top - |
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