4 March, 2021
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA
Other: Scholarships | Boards | Events | CoursesQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Marine Communications Campaigner, Save Our Marine Life, $75-85k, location flexible, Australia * 2 - Senior Communications Strategist (Gas), The Sunrise Project, $100-121k, Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra pref. * 3 - Senior Strategist (Coal Mining), The Sunrise Project, $100-121k, Queensland or NSW preferred (but flexible) * - top - Queensland 4 - Team Leaders & Projects Officer roles (x3), Northern Gulf Resource Management, Georgetown & Mareeba * 5 - Corporate Services Manager, Cape York NRM, $103-112k, Atherton or Cooktown (or negotiable) * 6 - Water Quality Project Coordinator, Cape York NRM, $69-75k, Atherton or Cooktown * 7 - Corporate Support Services Leader, Tropical NQ, Terrain NRM, $122-133k, Cairns, Atherton or Innisfail * 8 - Wet Tropics Waterways Executive Officer, Terrain NRM, Cairns, Innisfail or Atherton * 9 - Land & Environment Projects Officer (Normanton Region), Carpentaria Land Council, $62-81k, Cairns 10 - Land & Environment Projects Officer (Waanyi Region), Carpentaria Land Council, $62-81k, Cairns 11 - Senior Project Officer, NQ Dry Tropics, $70-88k, Townsville 12 - Project Officer, Waterways, Wetlands & Coasts, NQ Dry Tropics, $59-75k, Townsville * 13 - Bushland Technician, Ranges to Reef Environmental Services, Mackay 14 - Graduate Ecologist, Biodiversity Australia, various locations, South East Queensland * 15 - Fauna Spotter Catcher, Biodiversity Australia, various locations, South East Queensland * 16 - Senior Ecologist, Biodiversity Australia, South East Queensland * 17 - Coordinator Environment Planning, City of Gold Coast, $111-125k, Gold Coast * 18 - Bush Regenerators, Workways Australia / Envite Environment, Nerang, Gold Coast * 19 - Part Time Environment Supervisor, Workways Australia Ltd / Envite Environment, Gold Coast * 20 - Bushland Supervisor, Bushcare Services, Logan * 21 - Senior Strategist (Coal Mining), The Sunrise Project, $100-121k, Queensland or NSW preferred (but flexible) * 22 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne * - top - New South Wales 23 - Project Officer, Carbon Projects Team, Climate Friendly, $60-80k, regional NSW * 24 - Senior Environmental Consultant (Renewables), Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd, location flexible 25 - Senior Project Officer, Biodiversity Conservation Trust, $106-118k, various locations 26 - Rangers (x2), NPWS, $63k, Bourke 27 - NRM Project Officer (LSO), Dept of Regional NSW, $85k, Bourke * 28 - Ecologist, Biodiversity Conservation Trust, $93-103k, Dubbo, Narrabri (or by negotiation) 29 - Graduate Ecologist, Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd, Mudgee 30 - Senior Ecologist, GHD, Canberra, Wollongong, Bega, Nowra, Wagga Wagga * 31 - Ecologist (Mid-Level), ReconEco, Lismore, Northern NSW * 32 - Ecologist (Casual/Part-time), ReconEco, Lismore * 33 - Graduate Ecologist, Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd, Coffs Harbour 34 - Planning Officer, NPWS, $97k, Grafton (Coffs Harbour considered) * 35 - Field Ecologist, Ecologist, Senior Ecologist, Principal Ecologist (multiple), MJD Environmental, Newcastle 36 - Program Coordinator, Environmental Health, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, $92-102k, Queanbeyan * 37 - Mid/Senior Ecological Consultant, Lodge Environmental, $80-95k, Fairy Meadow, Wollongong 38 - Environmental Scientist, Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd, Wollongong 39 - Aquatic Ecology Consultant, Niche Environment & Heritage, Wollongong * 40 - Senior Ecologist ACT/NSW, Ecology and Heritage Partners, ACT or NSW 41 - Senior Project Officer, Biodiversity Conservation Trust, $114-126k, Sydney or Newcastle (or by negotiation) 42 - Botanist, Biosis, Sydney 43 - Senior Regulatory Intelligence Officer, Dept of Planning, Industry & Environment, $110k, Parramatta 44 - Project Manager, Toolijooa Pty Ltd, Greater Sydney Region 45 - Site Supervisor, Dragonfly Environmental, Sydney Metro * 46 - Bushland Field Officer - Local Council, CK Recruitment, Ku-Ring-Gai Council, Sydney * 47 - Coastal Land Care Labourer (Casuals), Dept of Regional NSW, Kurnell, Sydney * 48 - Senior Strategist (Coal Mining), The Sunrise Project, $100-121k, Queensland or NSW preferred (but flexible) * 49 - Senior Communications Strategist (Gas), The Sunrise Project, $100-121k, Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra pref. * 50 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne * - top - Australian Capital Territory 51 - Senior Policy Officer, ACT Government - EPSD, $87-100k, Canberra * 52 - Senior Hydroclimate Scientist, CSIRO, $136-150k, Canberra 53 - Program Coordinator, Environmental Health, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, $92-102k, Queanbeyan * 54 - Senior Ecologist ACT/NSW, Ecology and Heritage Partners, ACT or NSW 55 - Senior Ecologist, GHD, Canberra, Wollongong, Bega, Nowra, Wagga Wagga * 56 - Senior Communications Strategist (Gas), The Sunrise Project, $100-121k, Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra pref. * - top - Victoria 57 - Botanist, GHD Pty Ltd, Mildura * 58 - Energy Engineer, GWMWater, $88-97k, Horsham * 59 - Conservation Officer - Wangaratta, Trust for Nature, $63k, Wangaratta * 60 - Biodiversity Recovery Project Officer, DELWP, $87-99k, location negotiable in Gippsland region * 61 - Biodiversity Recovery Project Officer, DELWP, $87-99k, Location negotiable in Gippsland region * 62 - Crew Members, Great Ocean Walk Maintenance, Envirotechniques, Apollo Bay * 63 - Local to Landscape Facilitator, Biolinks Alliance, $70k, flexible (from home), ideally in Heathcote region * 64 - Bushland / Grassland Crew Member, Challis Enviro, Melton area 65 - Depot Assistant, Acacia Environmental Management, St Andrews * 66 - Tree Worker - Climbing Arborist, Arbor Solutions, $62-78k, Melbourne (Eastern suburbs & Mornington Pen.) 67 - Environmental Works Team Member, Platypus Environmental Services, Greater Melbourne & surrounds * 68 - Sessional Conservation Land Management Teacher, Melbourne Polytechnic, Melbourne 69 - Natural Reserve Ranger, Cardinia Shire Council, $62k, Melbourne * 70 - Bushland Maintenance Officers, Cardinia Shire Council, Melbourne * 71 - Grassy Plains Network Facilitator & Advocate, Victorian National Parks Association, $79-86k, Melbourne 72 - Research Software Engineer - Biosecurity, University of Melbourne, $105-124k, Melbourne * 73 - Senior Arborist Contract Operations, City of Whittlesea, $88k, Melbourne * 74 - Arborist Contract Operations, City of Whittlesea, $73k, Melbourne * 75 - Senior Communications Strategist (Gas), The Sunrise Project, $100-121k, Sydney, Melbourne or Canberra pref. * 76 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne * - top - Tasmania 77 - Bushland Regenerators, pakana Services, Hobart * - top - South Australia 78 - KI Native Plant Nursery Assistant Manager, Kangaroo Island Landscape Board, Kingscote, Kangaroo Island * 79 - Threatened Fauna Ecologist, Murraylands & Riverland Landscape Board, Murray Bridge or Berri * 80 - Adviser, Dept for Environment & Water, $101-110k, Adelaide * 81 - Operations Officer, DEW, $72-75k, Adelaide CBD - top - Northern Territory 82 - Mine Site Rehabilitation Crew Mentor, GEMCO - South32, Groote Eylandt * 83 - Community Development Officer, Central Land Council, $76-88k, Alice Springs * 84 - Senior Project Officer, Minerals & Energy Branch, Northern Land Council, $90-118k, Darwin 85 - Ranger, NT Government - DEPWS, $61-72k, Darwin * - top - Western Australia 86 - Mayala Land & Sea Strategic Projects Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council, $83-88k, Broome or Ardyaloon (neg.) * 87 - Nyangumarta Female Ranger Coordinator, Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corp., $88k, Bidyadanga & Broome * 88 - Delivery Manager - Section 50(d), Kimberley Land Council, $91-97k, Broome * 89 - Ngurrara Ranger Coordinator (male), Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation, $68k, Fitzroy Crossing * 90 - Phytophthora Dieback Consultant, Glevan Consulting, North Dandalup 91 - Chief Executive Officer, Nature Conservation Margaret River Region, Margaret River 92 - Conservation Officer - Terrestrial, DBCA, $69-105k, Kalgoorlie or Perth * 93 - Bushland Technician, Tranen Revegetation Systems, $65k, Perth 94 - Ranger Program Coordinator, Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation, Perth (with travel to Leinster) 95 - Environmental Manager, Natural Area Consulting Management & Services, $67k, Perth 96 - Ecologist (Botanist), Umwelt (Australia) Pty Ltd, Perth * - top - |
Scholarships 97 - PhD: Determining Sediment Provenance to Evaluate Rehabilitation Success, CQU, Gladstone * 98 - PhD: Assessing Value of Improved Connectivity in Subtropical Estuarine Fish Habitats, CQU, Gladstone * 99 - PhD: Non-Market Valuation Techniques to Assess Environmental Assets & Functions, CQU, Gladstone * 100 - PhD: Seaweed Cultivation for Biofiltration of Nutrients from Great Barrier Reef Lagoon, CQU, Gladstone * - top - Board Members 101 - Board Member (Ecologist), Threatened Species Conservancy, location negotiable in Australia - top - |
Events 102 - Riversymposium Registration - Now Open, The first ever hybrid International Riversymposium * 103 - Combined NSW & VIC Weeds Conference, Albury - postponed to 21-24 March, 2022 - top - Courses 104 - Online Course: How to be an Efficient Writer, Writing Clear Science - opens 29 April, 2021 * - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Rattle' 1. What happens to a rattlesnake's tail each time it sheds its skin? 2. What does it mean in Australia when someone tells you to "rattle your dags"? 3. What is the common name for plants of the Crotalaria genus? 4. What does it mean to "ride the rattler"? 5. In what series does the fictional character mockingly known as Rattleshirt appear? (bonus: what is his own preferred name?). Click here for answers - top - |
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