14 January, 2021
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA
Other: Scholarships | Boards | EventsQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Interpretations / Ecologist Guides, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Australia-wide * 2 - Impact Analyst (Science & Conservation Team), Bush Heritage Australia, flexible location, Australia - top - Queensland 3 - Ecologists & Graduate Ecologists, Ecotone Flora Fauna Consultants, Weipa, Cape York 4 - General Manager, Gangalidda & Garawa Native Title Aboriginal Corporation, Cairns 5 - Project Officer - Sustainable Agriculture, Reef Catchments, $50-80k, Mackay 6 - Bushland Technician, Ranges to Reef Environmental Services, Mackay * 7 - Fauna Spotter Catchers, NGH, South East Queensland & NSW 8 - Environment & Quality Officer, Southern Pacific Sands, Ningi (near Bribie Island) * 9 - Team Leader Catchment Planning, City of Gold Coast, $89-94k, Gold Coast * 10 - Natural Areas Team Members & Team Leaders, Austspray Environmental, Gold Coast * 11 - Bushfire Consultant, Land & Environment Consultants, Brisbane * 12 - Graduate Ecologist, Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd, Brisbane * 13 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - New South Wales 14 - Field Ecologist, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Mallee Cliffs National Park (near Mildura) 15 - Project Officers - The Living Murray (x2), National Parks & Wildlife Service, $97-107k, Moama * 16 - Local Landcare Coordinator - Lake Cargelligo, Lake Cowal Foundation, Lake Cargelligo * 17 - Senior Environmental Planner, Eco Logical Australia, Newcastle, Mudgee, Armidale, Coffs Harbour 18 - Principal Project Officer, National Parks & Wildlife Service, $128k, Armidale or Narrabri * 19 - Electronics Engineer, ICT International, Armidale 20 - Electronic Production Assembly, ICT International, Armidale 21 - Fauna Spotter Catchers, NGH, South East Queensland & NSW 22 - NRM Field Officer, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, Port Macquarie 23 - Part-time GIS Administrator, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, $53-59k, Bungendore * 24 - Mid-level Ecologist, Ecoplanning Pty Ltd, Thirroul * 25 - Bush Regenerators/Field Officers/Staff, Bowantz, Wollondilly, Wollongong, Southern Highlands, South Coast 26 - Senior Ecology Consultant (Botanist), 27 - Senior Restoration & Carbon Ecologist, Corporate Carbon Advisory, Sydney * 28 - Biosecurity & Natural Areas Monitoring Officer, City of Ryde, $58-75k, Sydney * 29 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - Australian Capital Territory 30 - Young Women Environmentalists Fellowship, Anne Kantor Fellowship, $50k, Canberra, Hobart & Melbourne * 31 - Part-time GIS Administrator, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, $53-59k, Bungendore * 32 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - Victoria 33 - Team leader - Sunraysia River Repair Bus, OzFish Unlimited, $50-65k, Mildura * 34 - Field Ecologist, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Mallee Cliffs National Park (near Mildura) 35 - East Gippsland Regional Landcare Bushfire Recovery Officer, Far East Victoria Landcare, Orbost * 36 - Operations Manager, Indigenous Design Environmental Management, Morwell, Latrobe Valley 37 - Executive Assistant, East Gippsland CMA, Bairnsdale * 38 - Landcare Facilitator, Upper Deep Creek Landcare Network, Macedon Ranges & surrounding areas, Victoria * 39 - Conservation Reserves Officer, Macedon Ranges Shire Council, $67-78k, Gisborne & Hanging Rock * 40 - Manager Planning & Environment, Mansfield Shire Council, Mansfield * 41 - Field Coordinators -Crew leaders (x2), Aus Eco Solutions, Ballan * 42 - Plant Nursery Propagator, Western Plains Flora, Wildwood (north of Melbourne) 43 - NRM Field Officer, Native Habitat, East Melbourne / West Gippsland * 44 - Vegetation Management Co-ordinator, Country Fire Authority (CFA), $99k, Melbourne * 45 - Field Crew Positions, Abzeco Pty Ltd, Melbourne * 46 - Plant Procurement & Nursery Admin, Balance Enviro Solutions, Melbourne * 47 - Nursery Worker - Casual, Balance Enviro Solutions, Melbourne * 48 - Construction / Planting Team Member, Balance Enviro Solutions, Melbourne * 49 - Open Space Planner, City of Whittlesea, $88k, Melbourne * 50 - Team Leader Trees Contract Management, City of Whittlesea, $97k, Melbourne * 51 - Principal Zoologist or Senior Zoologist, Ecology Australia, Fairfield, Melbourne * 52 - Young Women Environmentalists Fellowship, Anne Kantor Fellowship, $50k, Canberra, Hobart & Melbourne * 53 - NRM Advisers (x3), Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations, Melbourne 54 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - Tasmania 55 - Young Women Environmentalists Fellowship, Anne Kantor Fellowship, $50k, Canberra, Hobart & Melbourne * - top - South Australia 56 - Assistant Sanctuary Manager, AWC, Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre 57 - Flood Management Officer, DEW, $85-92k, Adelaide 58 - Operations Manager - Tree Scheme, Trees For Life, $56k, Adelaide * - top - Northern Territory 59 - Board Director, Territory Natural Resource Management, location negotiable, NT - top - Western Australia 60 - Wildlife Ecologist, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Kimberley region 61 - Land Management Officers North West, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Kimberley region * 62 - Land and Sea Management Unit Manager, Kimberley Land Council, Broome * 63 - Delivery Manager (s. 51), Kimberley Land Council, Broome * 64 - Interpretations / Ecologist Guides, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Australia-wide * 65 - Senior Operations Officer, DBCA, $89-97k, East Mt Barren, Fitzgerald River National Park * 66 - Senior Invertebrate Zoologist, Spectrum Ecology, Perth * 67 - Project Coordinator, 360 Environmental, Perth 68 - Principal Zoologist, 360 Environmental, Perth 69 - Mid-Senior Botanist, 360 Environmental, Perth - top - |
Scholarships 70 - PhD: Deer Movement & Genetics in the Australian Alps, stipend options to $45k, Uni of Sydney 71 - PhD: Evaluating the Effects of Human-driven Change on River Health, Barwon Water, Deakin Uni, Geelong * 72 - Young Women Environmentalists Fellowship, Anne Kantor Fellowship, $50k, Canberra, Hobart & Melbourne * 73 - PhDs: Biodiversity in Managed Forest Landscapes (3 projects:Birds,Plants,Beetles), Uni of Tasmania - top - Board Members 74 - Chair, Northern Prawn Fishery Resource Assessment Group, AFMA, Australia-wide 75 - Board Director, Territory Natural Resource Management, location negotiable, NT - top - |
Events 76 - WA Wetland Management Conference - 1-2 Feb 2021, Mandjar Bay, Mandurah, WA - call for registrations * - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Alienists' 1. What leading, German-born botanist is believed to have deliberately introduced blackberry to Australia in the mid-1800s? 2. The tiny town of Boolarra in Victoria's Latrobe Valley is famous for its annual folk music festival. But what is it infamous for? 3. What is Thomas Austin infamous for? 4. What Australian biologist is the author of two books - Feral Future and The New Nature - dealing with invasive species and disrupted ecosystems. 5. True or false?: Cane toads were introduced to Australia by the CSIRO. Click here for answers - top - |
Want the pro version of NRMjobs? Register here (it's free). - top - |