10 September, 2020
Jobs: QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA
Other: Scholarships | Boards | Volunteers | Events | OtherQuiz* new this week
Queensland 1 - NRM Project Officer (Grazing Land Management), Southern Gulf NRM, Mount Isa or Cloncurry 2 - Principal Ecologist, Wild Environmental Consultants, Townsville 3 - Senior Grazing Field Officer, NQ Dry Tropics, $70-88k, Townsville 4 - Field Officer - Carnarvon Station Reserve, Bush Heritage Australia, Augathella * 5 - Ranger, Qld Parks & Wildlife Service, $59-65k, Springsure, Central West * 6 - Conservation & Land Management Traineeships, Belong, Scenic Rim, Cedar Grove & Durack (SEQ) * 7 - Lead Field Specialist / Project Manager, The World As I Am, Gold Coast / Brisbane 8 - Ecologist, Umwelt, Brisbane * 9 - Conservation Analyst, WWF Australia, Brisbane * 10 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - New South Wales 11 - Landcare Coordinator, Gwymac Inc., Inverell * 12 - Ecologist, AMBS Ecology & Heritage, locations throughout NSW 13 - Project Manager & Project Officer - Contaminated Land Management, Riverina & Murray Joint Organisation * 14 - Environmental Officer, MidCoast Council, $74k, Forster 15 - Senior Ecologist, Biodiversity Australia, $70-80k, Port Macquarie * 16 - Principal Restoration Ecologist, Umwelt, Newcastle * 17 - Spotter Catcher / Field Assistant, Umwelt, Newcastle * 18 - Bush Regenerator, Kleinfelder, Newcastle * 19 - Technical Officer Conservation Bushfire Recovery, NPWS, $97k, Newcastle * 20 - Asset Engineer - Environment, City of Newcastle, $100k, Newcastle * 21 - Technical Officer - Bushfire Recovery, NPWS, Jindabyne 22 - Reclaim Kosci Campaigner, Invasive Species Council, Canberra (or vicinity) 23 - Experienced Botanist / Ecologist, Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd, Wollongong * 24 - Field Technician, GreenCollar, $55k, Dubbo or Sydney * 25 - Landscape Environmental Officer (pt), Blue Mountains City Council, Katoomba * 26 - Senior Ecology Consultant, Niche Environment & Heritage, Parramatta (flexible) 27 - Senior Project Officer, NPWS, Parramatta (negotiable) 28 - Project Officer, NPWS, Parramatta (negotiable) 29 - Biodiversity Officer, Northern Beaches Council, $79-92k, Sydney * 30 - Environmental Project Manager, Australian Facilities Group, Sydney * 31 - Engineer Senior, BMT, Environment Australia, Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne * 32 - Bush Regenerators, Eco Logical Australia, Western Sydney 33 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - Australian Capital Territory 34 - Senior Management Officers (several positions), Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Canberra * 35 - Project Officer (pt), Southern ACT Catchment Group, $70k, Canberra * 36 - Reclaim Kosci Campaigner, Invasive Species Council, Canberra (or vicinity) 37 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - Victoria 38 - Information Analyst Senior Project Officer, Corangamite CMA, $88-98k, Corangamite * 39 - Tree Planting & Maintenance Team Member, BC Garden Construction, Geelong & Ballarat regions 40 - Field Ecologists (multiple positions), Ecology & Heritage Partners, Geelong & Melbourne 41 - Senior Ecologist / Zoologist, Ecology and Heritage Partners, Melbourne 42 - Land Management Technician, Ten Rivers Ventia, Melbourne * 43 - Director of Restoration, Greening Australia, Perth or Melbourne * 44 - Head of Programs, Earthwatch Australia, Melbourne * 45 - Botanist, Ecology Australia, Melbourne * 46 - Environmental Management Officers (several), City of Whittlesea, Melbourne * 47 - Environmental Planners (several), City of Whittlesea, Melbourne * 48 - Conservation Officers (multiple positions), Brimbank City Council, Melbourne * 49 - Liaison Officer - DELWP, Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations, $78-87k, Melbourne 50 - Landcare Development Coordinator, Landcare Victoria, $80k, Melbourne 51 - Engineer Senior, BMT, Environment Australia, Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne * 52 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - Tasmania 53 - Land Program Manager, NRM North, $83-88k, Launceston * 54 - Ranger, Parks & Wildlife Service, $71-82k, Arthur River, North West region * 55 - Senior Environmental Consultant, Enviro-dynamics, Hobart - top - South Australia 56 - Community Landscape Officer, SA Arid Lands Landscape Board, Port Augusta 57 - District Officer, Murraylands, Murraylands & Riverland Landscape Board, $63-67k, Karoonda or Lameroo * 58 - Site Manager, Naracoorte and Tantanoola Caves, DEW, $92-98k, Naracoorte * 59 - Executive Officer, MDA Region 6, Alexandrina Council, Goolwa - top - Northern Territory 60 - Anthropologist (Work Area Clearance), Central Land Council, $71-88k, Alice Springs * 61 - Garawa / Waanyi Garawa Ranger Groups Coordinator, Northern Land Council, $90-101k+, Borroloola * 62 - Rock Art Project Officer, Warddeken Land Management, West Arnhem Land 63 - Senior Hydrogeologist, DENR, $106-119k, Palmerston * 64 - Caring for Country Contract Administration Officer, Northern Land Council, $73-87k+, Darwin 65 - Ranger, NT Parks & Wildlife, $70-79k, Darwin - top - Western Australia 66 - Operations Coordinator - Cat Eradication Program, DAWE, Christmas Island * 67 - Monitoring and Data Coordinator - Cat Eradication Program, DAWE, Christmas Island * 68 - Senior Operations Officer - Fitzroy Work Centre, DBCA, Broome 69 - Manager of Remote Programs, Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa, Newman * 70 - Balanggarra Youth Ranger Coordinator - s.50(d), Kimberley Land Council, Wyndham * 71 - Southwest Project Supervisor (Field Based), Tranen Revegetation Systems, Busselton 72 - Phytophthora Dieback Consultant, Glevan Consulting, North Dandalup * 73 - Director of Restoration, Greening Australia, Perth or Melbourne * - top - |
Scholarships 74 - PhD position: Predicting Geomorphic Change, University of Melbourne * 75 - PhD Scholarship: Aquatic Predator Ecology in Tropical Rivers, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT * - top - Board Members 76 - Committee (Board) members, Western Port Catchment Landcare Network, Victoria * - top - Volunteers 77 - Committee (Board) members, Western Port Catchment Landcare Network, Victoria * 78 - Volunteer opportunity - Flatback Turtle Monitoring, Care for Hedland, Pt Hedland, WA - top - |
Events 79 - Coast to Coast Conference, Cairns, 26-29 July 2021, Australian Coastal Society 80 - RiverDialogue: Rivers and COVID-19 - online, 2pm-6pm AEST, 28 September 2020 * 81 - LGNSW Water Management Conference 2020 is now an online event, 7-8 October 2020 82 - Australasian Wildlife Management Society conference, 8-10 December 2020 - Online 83 - Nature Festival - South Australia, 25 September - 4th October * 84 - 23rd International Riversymposium (online), International RiverFoundation, 10-12 November 2020 - top - Other 85 - Grants - Advancing Pest Animal & Weed Control Solutions, Australian Government, closes 25 September - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Extinct' 1. What small, central Australian mammal - last collected in 1933 and now presumed extinct -built large nests up to three metres long? 2. In 2019 a native Queensland mouse, the Bramble Cay melomys (Melomys rubicola) was formally declared to be extinct. Why did this extinction make world headlines? 3. By 1855, three island sub-species of emus had been extinguished in southern Australia. What islands did they inhabit? (one point each). 4. What dainty, kitten-sized, spindly-legged marsupial which formerly inhabited inland deserts in central and west Australia, was last reported in the 1950s, and is now known only from 29 museum specimens? 5. According to the EPBC Act List of Threatened Flora, how many plants have become extinct in Australia since 1788? (a) 7 (b) 17 (c) 27 (d) 37 (e) 47 Click here for answers - top - |
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