13 August, 2020
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA
Other: Scholarships | Boards | Events | Courses | OtherQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia 2 - Knowledge Broker - Murray-Darling Basin, Murray Darling Basin Authority, location flexible * 3 - Human Resources Manager (pt), The Mulloon Institute, flexible workplace (Canberra region preferred) * - top - Queensland 4 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia 5 - Human Resources Manager (pt), The Mulloon Institute, flexible workplace (Canberra region preferred) * 6 - Environmental Scientist, NRA Environmental Consultants, Cairns 7 - Fauna Spotters and Ecologists, Biodiversity Australia, Townsville * 8 - NRM Project Manager, IPA Personnel, $90-115k, Bowen/Collinsville district * 9 - Catchment Officer, Mooloolah River Waterwatch & Landcare, Glenview, Sunshine Coast 10 - Conservation & Land Management Traineeships (x9), Workways / Envite Environment, Gold Coast * 11 - Reef Trust Partnership Coordinator, Great Barrier Reef Foundation, $115-135k, Townsville or Brisbane 12 - Great Barrier Reef Fisheries Campaign Manager, Aust. Marine Conservation Society, $80-90k, Brisbane (neg) * 13 - Ecological Restoration Practitioners (Casual), Water & Carbon Group, Logan & Brisbane * 14 - Science Communicator, Great Barrier Reef Foundation, Brisbane - top - New South Wales 15 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia 16 - Ranger Coordinator Barkandji Rangers, Barkandji Native Title Group Aboriginal Corporation, Menindee 17 - Wildlife Ecologist (Pilliga), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Narrabri 18 - Local Landcare Coordinators (pt), Murrumbidgee Landcare, Riverina region * 19 - Manager of Integrated Water Services, Glen Innes Severn Council, $114k, Glen Innes * 20 - Senior Agriculture Advisor, Local Land Services, $97k, location negotiable (Lismore preferred) 21 - Travelling Stock Reserves Coordinator, Local Land Services, $97-107k, Coffs Harbour/Grafton (or region) * 22 - Project Manager - Coastal NSW, OzFish Unlimited, location flexible, NSW coast * 23 - Local Landcare Coordinator, Little River Landcare Group, Yeoval (Central West) * 24 - Human Resources Manager (pt), The Mulloon Institute, flexible workplace (Canberra region preferred) * 25 - Ecologist, NGH, Canberra, Wagga Wagga, Bega or Sydney 26 - Senior Botanist, AMBS Ecology & Heritage, Sydney 27 - Bush Regenerator, Bushland Management Solutions, Sydney 28 - Environmental Scientist - Biodiversity Planning & Assessment Officer, Hornsby Shire Council, $80k, Sydney * 29 - Environmental Protection Officer, Campbelltown City Council, Sydney * - top - Australian Capital Territory 30 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia 31 - Environmental Consultant - EIA, Umwelt, Canberra * 32 - Senior Park Rangers (several), ACT Parks & Conservation, $80-85k, Canberra * 33 - Ecologist, NGH, Canberra, Wagga Wagga, Bega or Sydney 34 - Human Resources Manager (pt), The Mulloon Institute, flexible workplace (Canberra region preferred) * - top - Victoria 35 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia 36 - Human Resources Manager (pt), The Mulloon Institute, flexible workplace (Canberra region preferred) * 37 - Project Manager - Joint Management, Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corp., $70-80k, Bendigo 38 - Communications & Administration Assistant, Bass Coast Landcare Network, Bass * 39 - Bushland Management Crew Leader, City of Greater Dandenong, $67-71k, Dandenong 40 - Natural Reserve Surveillance Officer (pt), Cardinia Shire Council, $67-70k, Emerald Lake Park, Melbourne * 41 - Leading Hand Landscape Maintenance, Mitchell Shire Council, $61-64k, North Melbourne/North Central Vic. * 42 - Senior Field Ecology Technician, Deakin University, $89-98k, Melbourne - top - Tasmania 43 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia 44 - Human Resources Manager (pt), The Mulloon Institute, flexible workplace (Canberra region preferred) * 45 - Consultant/Senior Consultant: Recycled Resource Mgt, Pinion Advisory, Hobart, Launceston or Devonport * 46 - Consultant Ecologist, North Barker Ecosystem Services, Hobart * 47 - Senior Project Officer (NRM), NRM South, to $70k, Hobart * - top - South Australia 48 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia 49 - Human Resources Manager (pt), The Mulloon Institute, flexible workplace (Canberra region preferred) * 50 - Research Officer (EP Grains Applied Research Intern), EPAG Research, Port Lincoln * 51 - Planning Officer, Northern and Yorke Landscape Board, $80-89k, Yorke Peninsula & Clare Valley * 52 - Project Officer, Feral Deer, Limestone Coast Landscape Board, $83-92k, Mt Gambier 53 - Senior Project Officer, Planning, Limestone Coast Landscape Board, $89-89k, Mount Gambier * 54 - Proj. Coordinator, Communities Helping Cockies, Limestone Coast Landscape Board, $83-92k, Mt Gambier * 55 - Manager, Landscape Operations, Limestone Coast Landscape Board, $101-110k, Limestone Coast region 56 - Project Officer Media & Comms, Murraylands & Riverland Landscape Board, $80-89k, M. Bridge or Berri * 57 - Education Officer, Murraylands & Riverland Landscape Board, $72-75k, Murray Bridge * 58 - Operations Manager - Kangaroo Island, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Kangaroo Island * 59 - Interpretive Officer, DEW, Kangaroo Island 60 - Senior Operations Officer - Wetlands & Basins, DEW, $92-98k, Adelaide (or Berri negotiable) * 61 - Team Leader Planning & MERI, Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board, $92-98k, Mount Barker 62 - Senior Ecologist, Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd, Adelaide * - top - Northern Territory 63 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia 64 - Human Resources Manager (pt), The Mulloon Institute, flexible workplace (Canberra region preferred) * 65 - IPA Development Officer (Haasts Bluff Aboriginal Land Trust), Central Land Council, $76-88k, Alice Springs * 66 - Community Development Officer, Central Land Council, $76-88k, Alice Springs * 67 - Land & Sea Ranger Mentor, Thamarrurr Development Corporation, Wadeye 68 - Executive Assistant, NT Parks & Wildlife, $95-99k, Darwin * - top - Western Australia 69 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia 70 - Human Resources Manager (pt), The Mulloon Institute, flexible workplace (Canberra region preferred) * 71 - Gooniyandi Ranger Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council, Fitzroy Crossing 72 - Wildlife Ecologist (North-west), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Derby * 73 - LSMU Administration & Fire Support Officer, Kimberley Land Council, Broome 74 - Project Coordinator - Ecologist, Environs Kimberley, $79-83k, Broome 75 - Environmental Project Officer, Environs Kimberley, $69-71k, Broome 76 - Containers Coordinator, Care For Hedland Environmental Association, Port Hedland 77 - Association Coordinator, Care For Hedland Environmental Association, Port Hedland 78 - Acting Sanctuary Manager - Mount Gibson, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Wubin * 79 - Marine Project Coordinator (Peel Region), The Nature Conservancy, $74-96k, Mandurah * 80 - Grounds Person, Broadspectrum, HMAS Stirling, Garden Island * 81 - Project Officer (Joint Management & Aboriginal Strategies), DBCA, $89-97k, Perth * 82 - Casual Environmental Technician, Martins Environmental Services, Perth * - top - |
Scholarships 83 - PhD: Biogeography of Plant Traits that Govern Fire Risk & Drought Vulnerability, Western Sydney Uni, NSW - top - Board Members 84 - Steering Committee member - Priority actions for eastern quolls on north Bruny Island, NRM South, Hobart - top - |
Events 85 - Australasian Wildlife Management Society conference, 8-10 December 2020 - Online 86 - 23rd International Riversymposium (online), International RiverFoundation, 10-12 November 2020 87 - LGNSW Water Management Conference 2020 is now an online event, 7-8 October 2020 88 - Australasian Weeds Conference - 22AWC, 25-29 September 2022, Adelaide 89 - 12th International Conference & Workshop on Lobster Biology & Management, Postponed to 2022 - top - Courses 90 - AHC51116 Diploma of Conservation & Land Management, Tocal College - on-line 91 - Natural Resources & Indigenous Livelihoods - short course, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, 14-18 Sep - top - Other 92 - Trees For Life - SA Tree Scheme (subsidies available), Orders close 31 August 2020 - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Fossils' 1. Hamelin Pool Marine Nature Reserve, near Shark Bay in Western Australia, is home to living examples of what ancient form of living organism, dating back perhaps 3.5 billion years?
2. What site discovered in 1946 on Nilpena Station, in South Australia's Flinders Ranges, has given its name to a Period, 635-542 million years ago, when complex multi-cellular lifeforms first appeared on Earth? 3. In 1955 a roadworker near Canowindra, in central NSW, turned up a rock slab bearing a mass of fossils from the late Devonian Period (about 360-370 million years ago). What were the fossils of? 4. In 2008 scientists named a 380-million-year-old fossil 'Materpiscis attenboroughi' (after David Attenborough). What made the fossil, discovered at Western Australia's Gogo fossil site, so special? 5. What nickname was given to an opalised pliosaur, dating from about 115 million years ago, which was discovered by an opal miner at Coober Pedy in South Australia in 1987? Click here for answers - top - |
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