2 July, 2020
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA | International
Other: Scholarships | Boards | Volunteers | Events | Courses | OtherQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Science Communication Coordinator, Ecological Society of Aust., location neg. (work from home), Australia * 2 - Fire Program Officer, Bush Heritage Australia, location negotiable, Australia - top - Queensland 3 - Fire Program Officer, Bush Heritage Australia, location negotiable, Australia 4 - Science Communication Coordinator, Ecological Society of Aust., location neg. (work from home), Australia * 5 - Chief Executive Officer, Southern Gulf NRM, $130-150k, Mount Isa * 6 - Fauna Spotters and Ecologists, Biodiversity Australia, Townsville * 7 - Graduate Project Officer, Southern Queensland Landscapes, Roma * 8 - Principal Project Officer (Growth Management), Southern Queensland Landscapes, Toowoomba * 9 - Campaigns Manager, cChange International, Brisbane * 10 - Landscape Restoration Project Manager, WWF Australia, Northern Rivers pref. (or Sydney / Brisbane) 11 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - New South Wales 12 - Fire Program Officer, Bush Heritage Australia, location negotiable, Australia 13 - Science Communication Coordinator, Ecological Society of Aust., location neg. (work from home), Australia * 14 - Agriculture Graduate / Agronomist, Converte Pty Ltd, Griffith * 15 - Planning Coordinator - Vegetation & Pest Management, Murrumbidgee Irrigation, Griffith * 16 - Local Landcare Coordinator, Murrumbidgee Landcare, Riverina Region 17 - Risk and Assurance Coordinator, Rous County Council, $83-97k, Lismore * 18 - Environmental Consultant, NGH, Newcastle * 19 - Community Support Officer, Community Environment Network, Ourimbah * 20 - Operations Coordinator - Waste & Resource Recovery, Wollongong City Council, $103-124k, Wollongong 21 - Consultant Archaeologist, Biosis, Sydney, Western Sydney, or Wollongong * 22 - Landscape Restoration Project Manager, WWF Australia, Northern Rivers pref. (or Sydney / Brisbane) 23 - Bush Regenerators, Total Earth Care, Central Coast & Sydney 24 - Experienced Botanist, UBM Ecological Consultants, Kurrajong Heights 25 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - Australian Capital Territory 26 - Fire Program Officer, Bush Heritage Australia, location negotiable, Australia 27 - Science Communication Coordinator, Ecological Society of Aust., location neg. (work from home), Australia * 28 - Research Fellow (Greater Gliders), Australian National University, $99-113k, Canberra 29 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - Victoria 30 - Fire Program Officer, Bush Heritage Australia, location negotiable, Australia 31 - Science Communication Coordinator, Ecological Society of Aust., location neg. (work from home), Australia * 32 - Water Resources Officer, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water Corporation, $68-81k, Horsham * 33 - Snr Research Officer (Greater Gliders), ANU, $88-92k, Central Highlands, Gippsland & Strathbogie Ranges 34 - Farm & Plantation Manager, Felton Grimwade & Bosisto's Pty Ltd, Inglewood, Loddon Shire 35 - Landcare Group Coordinator (pt), Moorabool Catchment Landcare Group, $52-60k, Ballan 36 - DELWP Project & Stakeholder Coordinator, Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung CHAC, Melbourne * 37 - Sustainable Environment Officer (pt), City of Stonnington, $88-96k, Melbourne * 38 - Conservation Planner, Bush Heritage Australia, Melbourne * 39 - Senior Ecologist / Zoologist, Ecology & Heritage Partners, Melbourne * 40 - Visitor Experiences Coordinator - La Trobe Wildlife Sanctuary, La Trobe University, $85-89k, Melbourne 41 - Conservation & Litter Officers (multiple positions), Hume City Council, Broadmeadows, Melbourne * 42 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - Tasmania 43 - Fire Program Officer, Bush Heritage Australia, location negotiable, Australia 44 - Science Communication Coordinator, Ecological Society of Aust., location neg. (work from home), Australia * 45 - Regional NRM Manager, Cradle Coast Authority, Burnie * 46 - Land Program Manager, NRM North, Launceston 47 - Weeds Action Fund Coordinator, NRM North, Launceston * 48 - Planning Officers (x2), Tasmania Fire Service - Bushfire Risk Unit, $85-89k, Hobart * 49 - Senior Planning Officer, Tasmania Fire Service - Bushfire Risk Unit, $93-106k, Hobart * 50 - Senior Planning & Assessment Officer, Tasmania Fire Service - Bushfire Risk Unit, $93-106k, Hobart * - top - South Australia 51 - Fire Program Officer, Bush Heritage Australia, location negotiable, Australia 52 - Science Communication Coordinator, Ecological Society of Aust., location neg. (work from home), Australia * 53 - Cultural Liaison Ranger, Arabana Aboriginal Corporation, Port Augusta 54 - Communications & Media Manager, DEW, $80-89k, Kingscote, Kangaroo Island * 55 - Conservation Field Officer, Zoos SA, Adelaide * 56 - Trainee in the Office of Mark Parnell MLC, Mark Parnell MLC (Greens), Adelaide * 57 - Regulatory Compliance Policy Officer, DEW (Dog & Cat Management Board), Adelaide 58 - Manager, Water Resource Monitoring, DEW, Adelaide - top - Northern Territory 59 - Fire Program Officer, Bush Heritage Australia, location negotiable, Australia 60 - Science Communication Coordinator, Ecological Society of Aust., location neg. (work from home), Australia * 61 - Mimal Ranger Coordinator, Mimal Land Management, $78-88k, Weemol Ranger Station 62 - Senior Park Ranger, NT Parks & Wildlife, $83-94k, Limmen National Park, Borroloola * 63 - Rangers (3 positions), NT Parks & Wildlife, $68-77k, various locations, Savannah-Gulf Region * 64 - Kiwirrkurra Ranger Team Coordinator - Male, Desert Support Services, Alice Springs 65 - Sanctuary Manager, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Newhaven Wildlife Sanctuary * 66 - Senior Land Management Officer, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Newhaven Wildlife Sanctuary * 67 - Wildlife Ecologist/Snr Field Ecologist - Newhaven Sanctuary, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Alice Springs * 68 - Kakadu Threatened Species Team Leader, Parks Australia, $82-93k, Jabiru * 69 - Timber Creek Ranger Coordinator, Northern Land Council, $75-87k, Timber Creek 70 - Ranger Group Development Officer, Northern Land Council, $90-101k, Kununurra/Timber Creek 71 - Numbulwar Ranger Coordinator, Northern Land Council, $73-87k, Numbulwar * 72 - Caring for Country Regional Program Manager , Northern Land Council, Darwin or Katherine * - top - Western Australia 73 - Fire Program Officer, Bush Heritage Australia, location negotiable, Australia 74 - Science Communication Coordinator, Ecological Society of Aust., location neg. (work from home), Australia * 75 - Ranger Group Development Officer, Northern Land Council, $90-101k, Kununurra/Timber Creek 76 - Ranger Coordinator - Bardi Jawi Oorany / Ardyaloon, Kimberley Land Council, Ardyaloon via Broome * 77 - Operations Officer - Joint Management Pool, DBCA, $71-77k, Kalgoorlie * 78 - Environmental Monitoring Officer, SE Regional Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL), $67-75k, Perth * 79 - Development Manager, Greening Australia, Perth - top - International 80 - Technical Adviser, Pacific NDC Hub, Pacific Regional Environment Program, Apia, Samoa * - top - |
Scholarships 81 - PhD: Population Connectivity & Expansion of Chital Deer, James Cook Uni, Townsville, Queensland 82 - PhD: Spatial Network Approach to River Basin Ecosystem Values & Hydrological Threats, Uni of Melbourne 83 - PhD: Improving Restoration & Management of Saline Valley-Floor Ecosystems, Edith Cowan Uni, Perth * - top - Board Members 84 - Director / Treasurer, Molonglo Conservation Group, Canberra - top - Volunteers 85 - Director / Treasurer, Molonglo Conservation Group, Canberra 86 - Internships & Volunteers, Ningaloo Turtle Program, Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area (near Exmouth) * - top - |
Events 87 - RiverDialogue: Rivers on Fire, 9am-1pm (AEST), 6 & 7 July 2020 88 - Online Water Forum - Future Investment in Water Sustainability, Local Government NSW, 16 July, 2020 89 - Online seminar: Strengthening Cross-Sector Collaboration, Clearwater, 28 July 2020 * 90 - Australasian Weeds Conference - 22AWC, 25-29 September 2022, Adelaide - top - Courses 91 - AHC51116 Diploma of Conservation & Land Management, Tocal College - on-line 92 - Natural Resources & Indigenous Livelihoods - short course, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, 14-18 Sep - top - Other 93 - Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle Research Fund, 2020 grants round * 94 - Survey: Capturing views of NRM professionals after COVID-19, Peter Cullen Water & Environment Trust - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Boring' 1. What and where is the Gnangara Mound? (bonus: What is the name of the second, smaller Mound to the south of the Gnangara Mound?) 2. True or false?: The Great Artesian Basin and the Murray-Darling Basin do not overlap? 3. Where in Australia would you find the Windmill Museum? 4. In 2014, who controversially suggested that Australian scientists should investigate dowsing or water divining to help farmers locate underground water? 5. Complete this line from Banjo Paterson's Song of the Artesian Water: "If the Lord won't send us water, oh, we'll get it from ... ..." Click here for answers - top - |
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