11 June, 2020
Jobs: QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA
Other: Events | Courses | OtherQuiz* new this week
Queensland 1 - Extension Officer - Banana industry, Australian Banana Growers Council, South Johnstone 2 - Ecologist - Aboriginal Partnerships: Cape York Peninsula, Bush Heritage Australia, Cairns or Cooktown * 3 - Program Director CCIP, Great Barrier Reef Foundation, $120-150k, Brisbane, Townsville, Cairns 4 - Senior Ecologist / Environmental Scientist - GIS / Data Wrangler, frc environmental, Cleveland 5 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - New South Wales 6 - Senior Land Services Officers (x2), Local Land Services, $97k, Western NSW & North. Murray Darling Basin 7 - Ecologist, NGH, Wagga Wagga / Albury-Wodonga 8 - Senior Historic Site Officer, NPWS, $110-122k, Mudgee * 9 - Bush Regeneration Supervisor, Litoria Ecological Restoration Services, Central Coast 10 - Principal Project Officer, NPWS, $128-148k, Jindabyne * 11 - Hawkweed Surveillance Coordinator (Eradication), NPWS, $97-107k, Jindabyne or Tumut * 12 - Hawkweed Data Management Officer, NPWS, $85-94k, Jindabyne or Tumut * 13 - Field Officer (pt), NPWS, $49-54k, Green Cape Lightstation * 14 - Project Officer, Ecosystems & Threatened Species, DPIE, $93-103k, Parramatta (negotiable) 15 - Heritage Consultant - Aboriginal Heritage Consultant, NGH, Sydney (other locations considered) 16 - River Keeper - Parramatta River Catchment Group (pt), City of Canada Bay, Sydney * 17 - Research Assistant Ecology / Botanist, Biosis, Sydney 18 - Site Supervisor, Dragonfly Environmental, Sydney Metro 19 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - Australian Capital Territory 20 - Heritage Consultant - Aboriginal Heritage Consultant, NGH, Sydney (other locations considered) 21 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - Victoria 22 - Ecologist, NGH, Wagga Wagga / Albury-Wodonga 23 - Graduate Engineer, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water, $68-81k, Horsham * 24 - Environmental Property Manager, Eco Gipps, Maffra West Upper * 25 - Regional Project Coordinator (Reducing Bushfire Risk), Parks Victoria, Bairnsdale * 26 - Team Leader Landscape Maintenance, Mitchell Shire Council, $65-74k, Melbourne / North Central Victoria * 27 - Leading Hand Landscape Maintenance, Mitchell Shire Council, $61-64k, Melbourne / North Central Victoria * 28 - Senior Strategic Officer - Arboriculture, Brimbank City Council,$93-103k, Melbourne * 29 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - Tasmania 30 - Facilitator, Red Hot Tips Program (multiple positions), Tasmania Fire Service, South, North & North West * 31 - Business Development & Operations Manager, NRM South, to $95k, Hobart * - top - South Australia 32 - Community Landscape Officer, DEW, $72-75k, Port Augusta * 33 - Volunteer Ranger Program Coordinator, DEW, Adelaide * - top - Northern Territory 34 - Natural & Cultural Resources Manager, Parks Australia, $107-116k, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park * 35 - Coordinator, Employment & Training, Central Land Council, $98-106k, Alice Springs 36 - Training and Capability Development Officer, Parks Australia, $73-80k+, Kakadu National Park * - top - Western Australia 37 - Paruku Indigenous Protected Area Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council, Broome * 38 - Environmental Technician, GHEMS Revegetation Environmental, Perth * 39 - Revegetation Team Leader (Field Based), Tranen Revegetation Systems, Perth 40 - Landcare Field Technician, South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL), Perth - top - |
Events 41 - Australasian Weeds Conference - 22AWC, 25-29 September 2022, Adelaide - top - Courses 42 - Online workshop: Effective & Engaging Digital Collaboration, Clearwater, 16 June 2020 * 43 - AHC51116 Diploma of Conservation & Land Management, Tocal College - on-line - top - Other 44 - Survey: Capturing views of NRM professionals after COVID-19, Peter Cullen Water & Environment Trust - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Crayfish' 1. A feral population of what large freshwater crayfish can be found in the waterways on South Australia's Kangaroo Island? 2. Where in Australia would you find the world's largest freshwater crayfish, Astacopsis gouldi? 3. In what river system does the endangered species Euastacus bispinosus (aka Spiny Freshwater Crayfish or Pricklyback) occur? 4. What widely farmed Australian crayfish, originally native to north east Queensland and the Northern Territory, has established feral populations in southern Africa, central America and South East Asia. 5. What prominent South Australian pastoralist and well-known author wrote the 1965 children's book Tisi and the Yabby? Click here for answers - top - |
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