21 May, 2020
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA | International
Other: Volunteers | Tenders | Events | Courses | ServicesQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Women Rangers Environment Network (WREN) Coordinator, WWF Australia, location negotiable, Australia * - top - Queensland 2 - Women Rangers Environment Network (WREN) Coordinator, WWF Australia, location negotiable, Australia * 3 - Ranger (Indigenous Identified), QPWS, $59-65k, Boodjamulla National Park * 4 - Aquaculture Coordinator, Anindilyakwa Land Council, $85-95k, Cairns / Groote Eylandt * 5 - Ranger (Indigenous Identified), QPWS, $53-57k, Charters Towers * 6 - CQ Environmental Services Team Leader - Environmental Scientist, Ecosure, Rockhampton, Queensland 7 - Field Worker, Regen Australia, Gold Coast * 8 - Environmental Scientist, CO2 Australia Ltd, $65-75k, Brisbane * 9 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - New South Wales 10 - Women Rangers Environment Network (WREN) Coordinator, WWF Australia, location negotiable, Australia * 11 - Ecologist, NGH, Wagga Wagga / Albury-Wodonga * 12 - Ranger, NPWS, $63-98k, Walcha (preferred) or Armidale 13 - Technical Sales Representative (Enviro., Scientific & Agricultural Instruments), ICT International, Armidale 14 - Senior Project Officer, SDLAM Projects, NPWS, $110-122k, Bathurst/Albury/Dubbo (neg.) 15 - Project Officer, SDLAM Projects, NPWS, $97-107k, Bathurst/Albury/Dubbo (neg.) 16 - Senior Environmental Officer, Transport for NSW, $123-134k, Dubbo 17 - Senior Land Services Officer (Koala Conservation), Local Land Services, $97k, Coffs Harbour or Kempsey 18 - Ranger, NPWS, $63-98k, Verges Creek / Kempsey * 19 - Field Officer - Enhanced Bushfire & Management Program (Aboriginal), NPWS, $49-54k, Alstonville * 20 - Senior Conservation Planning Officer (x2), DPIE, $106-118k, Dubbo & Newcastle (or neg.) * 21 - Manager Healthy Landscapes, Local Land Services, $128k, Hunter Valley 22 - Manager Ag Production & Protection, Local Land Services Agency, $128k, Hunter Valley region * 23 - Project Manager - Waste Services, City of Newcastle, $98k, Newcastle 24 - Silviculture Supervisor, Forestry Corporation of NSW, Tumut * 25 - Bush Regeneration positions, Blue Tongue Ecosystems, Blue Mountains & Western Sydney 26 - Manager (Area), NPWS, $128-148k, Audley (southern Sydney) 27 - Project Officer, Land Information, NPWS, $97-107k, Parramatta * 28 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - Australian Capital Territory 29 - Catchment Coordinator, Ginninderra Catchment Group, $91-101k, Canberra * 30 - Women Rangers Environment Network (WREN) Coordinator, WWF Australia, location negotiable, Australia * 31 - Urban Wildlife Rangers (x2), ACT Parks & Conservation Service, $64-69k, Canberra * 32 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - Victoria 33 - Women Rangers Environment Network (WREN) Coordinator, WWF Australia, location negotiable, Australia * 34 - Ecologist, NGH, Wagga Wagga / Albury-Wodonga * 35 - Conservation Business Development Officer (volunteer), Southern Conservation, Pt Fairy/Warrnambool 36 - Biosecurity Officer - South West Region, DJPR, $61-83k, Geelong, Warrnambool, Ararat or Ballarat * 37 - Bushland Management Team Members, Native Habitat, between East Melbourne & West Gippsland * 38 - Chief Executive Officer, Landcare Victoria Inc., $150-165k, Melbourne (or within 1-2 hours of Melbourne) 39 - Bushland Management Team Members, Naturelinks, Mornington Peninsula 40 - Operations Lead - Victoria, Greening Australia, Melbourne 41 - Public Lands Officer, Cardinia Environment Coalition, $60k, Melbourne 42 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne * - top - Tasmania 43 - Women Rangers Environment Network (WREN) Coordinator, WWF Australia, location negotiable, Australia * 44 - Communications Coordinator, NRM North, Launceston * 45 - Operations Lead - Great Southern Landscapes & Tasmanian Island Ark, Greening Australia, Hobart * - top - South Australia 46 - Women Rangers Environment Network (WREN) Coordinator, WWF Australia, location negotiable, Australia * 47 - Cultural Liaison Ranger, Arabana Aboriginal Corporation, Port Augusta 48 - Communications & Engagement Officer, DEW, Murray Bridge or Berri * 49 - Biosecurity Officer, Pest Animals, PIRSA, $83-92k, Adelaide - top - Northern Territory 50 - Women Rangers Environment Network (WREN) Coordinator, WWF Australia, location negotiable, Australia * 51 - Aquaculture Coordinator, Anindilyakwa Land Council, $85-95k, Cairns / Groote Eylandt * 52 - Ranger Group Coordinator, Central Land Council, $71-88k, Hermannsburg * 53 - Human Resources Advisor, Central Land Council, $76-88k, Alice Springs 54 - Chief District Ranger, Dept of Tourism, Sport & Culture, $109-118k, Alice Springs * - top - Western Australia 55 - Women Rangers Environment Network (WREN) Coordinator, WWF Australia, location negotiable, Australia * 56 - Forester - Plantation Management (Sandalwood), Santanol, Ord River Irrigation Area, Kununurra 57 - Ranger Training Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council, Broome * 58 - Operations Officer, DBCA, $79-83k, Bunbury * 59 - Weed Technician, Broadspectrum, Garden Island (Rockingham), WA 60 - Land Administration Officer, DBCA, $70-83k, Perth * - top - International 61 - Manager Pacific Climate Change Centre, Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Apia, Samoa * - top - |
Volunteers 62 - Conservation Business Development Officer (volunteer), Southern Conservation, Pt Fairy/Warrnambool 63 - Volunteers wanted: Help Restore & Protect Native Vegetation, Trees For Life, various locations, SA - top - Tenders 64 - Tender: 2021-2025 Regional NRM Strategies, Cradle Coast Authority, NRM South, & NRM North, Tasmania - top - |
Events 65 - Australasian Weeds Conference - 22AWC, 25-29 September 2022, Adelaide - top - Courses 66 - AHC51116 Diploma of Conservation & Land Management, Tocal College - on-line - top - Professional Services 67 - Re-design or Build Survey and Environmental Databases, Data Renovation - experienced data wranglers - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Galahs' 1. How many sub-species of galah are usually recognised? 2. Where in Australia was the former township of Galah? (bonus: What town on the Castlereagh River takes its name from the Wiradjuri term for "place of galahs") 3. What is the simplest way to tell the sexes apart in galahs? 4. Collected in 1801, where is the holotype specimen of the galah currently held? 5. Where would you find The Big Galah? Click here for answers - top - |
Want the pro version of NRMjobs? Register here (it's free). - top - |