3 September, 2020
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA
Other: Volunteers | Events | Courses | OtherQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Mid to Senior Level Ecologist, Ecoplanning, Thirroul, NSW - or negotiable * 2 - Chief Executive Officer, Peter Cullen Trust, Canberra (or negotiable) * - top - Queensland 3 - Conservation & Land Management Traineeships, Workways Australia / Envite Environment, Townsville * 4 - Soil Conservation Officer, IPA Personnel, $70-80k, Townsville * 5 - Principal Ecologist, Wild Environmental Consultants, Townsville * 6 - Senior Grazing Field Officer, NQ Dry Tropics, $70-88k, Townsville * 7 - Project Officers: Sugarcane Extension & Sustainable Ag. Engagement, Reef Catchments, Mackay/Proserpine * - top - New South Wales 8 - Ecologist, AMBS Ecology & Heritage, locations throughout NSW * 9 - Environmental Consultant, NGH, Wagga Wagga 10 - Electronics Technician (Enviro., Scientific & Agricultural Instruments), ICT International, Armidale 11 - Zoologist, Nature Advisory Pty Ltd, Central to Southern NSW * 12 - Environmental Officer, MidCoast Council, $74k, Forster * 13 - Senior Ecologist - Botanist, Umwelt, Newcastle, or suitable regional location * 14 - Technical Officer - Bushfire Recovery, NPWS, Jindabyne * 15 - Reclaim Kosci Campaigner, Invasive Species Council, Canberra (or vicinity) * 16 - Environment Manager, Shellharbour City Council, Shellharbour, Illawarra * 17 - Rangers, Conservation Bushfire Recovery (x3), NPWS, $63-98k, South Coast * 18 - Graduate Environmental Consultant, NGH, Bega 19 - Mid to Senior Level Ecologist, Ecoplanning, Thirroul, NSW - or negotiable * 20 - Rangers Conservation Bushfire Recovery (x4), NPWS, $63-98k, Blue Mountains * 21 - Biosecurity Weeds Inspector, Hawkesbury River County Council, Windsor * 22 - Senior Ecology Consultant, Niche Environment & Heritage, Parramatta (flexible) * 23 - Senior Project Officer, NPWS, Parramatta (negotiable) * 24 - Project Officer, NPWS, Parramatta (negotiable) * 25 - Bush Regenerators, Eco Logical Australia, Western Sydney * 26 - Bushcare Volunteer Coordinator, Hunter's Hill Council, Sydney 27 - Senior Horticulturalist, Nursery, DPIE, $71k, Mount Annan, Sydney - top - Australian Capital Territory 28 - Director of Volunteer & Visitor Experience, ACT Parks & Conservation, $128-144k, Canberra * 29 - Chief Executive Officer, Peter Cullen Trust, Canberra (or negotiable) * 30 - Reclaim Kosci Campaigner, Invasive Species Council, Canberra (or vicinity) * - top - Victoria 31 - Program Manager - Water & Catchments, East Gippsland CMA, $108k, Bairnsdale * 32 - Program Manager - Partnerships & Community, East Gippsland CMA, $90k, Bairnsdale * 33 - Tree Planting & Maintenance Team Member, BC Garden Construction, Geelong & Ballarat regions 34 - Bush Crew Team Members (x2) & Tractor Operator (x1), Landlinks Environmental Services, Pakenham * 35 - Bushland / Grassland Crew Member, Challis Enviro, Melton area 36 - Policy Officer, Traditional Owner Projects, DELWP, $85-96k, Melbourne (flexible) * 37 - Liaison Officer - DELWP, Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations, $78-87k, Melbourne * 38 - Policy Officer, DELWP, $85-96k, Melbourne * 39 - Policy Officer, DELWP, $85-96k, Melbourne * 40 - Landcare Development Coordinator, Landcare Victoria, $80k, Melbourne - top - Tasmania 41 - Senior Environmental Consultant, Enviro-dynamics, Hobart * - top - South Australia 42 - Community Landscape Officer, SA Arid Lands Landscape Board, Port Augusta * 43 - Executive Officer, MDA Region 6, Alexandrina Council, Goolwa * 44 - General Manager, Nature Conservation Society of SA, Adelaide - top - Northern Territory 45 - Biodiversity Offset Principal, Hays Recruitment, Groote Eylandt * 46 - Lawyer, Central Land Council, $76-128k, Alice Springs 47 - Pastoral Development Officer, Central Land Council, $71-88k, Alice Springs 48 - Rock Art Project Officer, Warddeken Land Management, West Arnhem Land 49 - Caring for Country Contract Administration Officer, Northern Land Council, $73-87k+, Darwin * 50 - Ranger, NT Parks & Wildlife, $70-79k, Darwin * - top - Western Australia 51 - Senior Operations Officer - Fitzroy Work Centre, DBCA, Broome * 52 - Wilinggin Healthy Country Project Officer, Wilinggin Aboriginal Corporation, Derby (negotiable) 53 - Yawuru Parks Coordinator, DBCA, $89-97k, Broome * 54 - Balanggarra Ranger Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council, Wyndham * 55 - Conservation Officer (Terrestrial), DBCA, Karratha * 56 - Operations Officer - Parks & Visitor Services, DBCA, $71-84k, Kalgoorlie * 57 - Chief Operating Officer, South Coast NRM, Albany * 58 - Technical Officer - South Coast Fauna Recovery, DBCA, $80-84k, Albany * 59 - Southwest Project Supervisor (Field Based), Tranen Revegetation Systems, Busselton * - top - |
Volunteers 60 - Volunteer opportunity - Flatback Turtle Monitoring, Care for Hedland, Pt Hedland, WA * - top - |
Events 61 - LGNSW Water Management Conference 2020 is now an online event, 7-8 October 2020 62 - Dieback Info Group Conference, & South Coast NRM Dieback Info Forum, 10-11 Sep, Perth or Online - top - Courses 63 - Short Course: Introduction to Conservation Biology, Rolling enrolments every Monday * 64 - AHC51116 Diploma of Conservation & Land Management, Tocal College - on-line - top - Other 65 - Grants - Advancing Pest Animal & Weed Control Solutions, Australian Government, closes 25 September - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Native conifers' 1. What extraordinarily long-lived Australian conifer is the only member of the Lagarostrobos genus? 2. What critically endangered conifer species occurs within 150km of Sydney, and was unknown to science until 1994? 3. Callitris ('Cyprus pine') is a southern hemisphere genus, with 13 of the 16 recognised species native to Australia. What country are the other three species native to? 4. Growing to 45 metres, and occurring naturally only in Queensland, what Araucaria species is famous for its enormous cones and large, edible seeds. 5. The genus Athrotaxis - which includes Pencil Pines and King Billy Pines - is endemic to what Australian State or Territory? Click here for answers - top - |
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