6 August, 2020
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA
Other: Scholarships | Boards | Volunteers | Events | Courses | OtherQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia * 2 - Conservation Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, WWF-Australia, location negotiable, Australia 3 - Regional Ecologist NSW, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Narrabri or Buronga (or otherwise agreed) - top - Queensland 4 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia * 5 - Environmental Scientist, NRA Environmental Consultants, Cairns * 6 - Project Officer - NRM & Agricultural Extension, CHRRUP Limited, $61-74k, Emerald 7 - Corporate Services Specialist / Executive Assistant, Heart Recruitment, $60-70k, Bargara * 8 - Catchment Officer, Mooloolah River Waterwatch & Landcare, Glenview, Sunshine Coast * 9 - Extension Officer Community Bushcare, Redland City Council, Brisbane * 10 - Environmental Project Supervisor, Spotless, $85-90k, Brisbane 11 - Aquatic Ecologist, Hydrobiology, Brisbane 12 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - New South Wales 13 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia * 14 - Ranger Coordinator Barkandji Rangers, Barkandji Native Title Group Aboriginal Corporation, Menindee * 15 - Regional Ecologist NSW, Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Narrabri or Buronga (or otherwise agreed) 16 - Wildlife Ecologist (Pilliga), Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Narrabri * 17 - Senior Agriculture Advisor, Local Land Services, $97k, location negotiable (Lismore preferred) * 18 - Senior Land Services Officer - Regional Pest Planner, Local Land Services, $97k, Coffs Harbour or Grafton * 19 - Bush Regeneration Field Worker, Litoria ERS Pty Ltd, Newcastle & Central Coast * 20 - Ranger (Aboriginal Identified), NPWS, $63-98k, Merimbula 21 - Assistant Head Gardener, Custom Farm Solutions, Sutton Forest, Southern Highlands * 22 - Bush Regenerators / Field Officers, Bowantz Bushfire & Environmental, Wollongong & region * 23 - Biosecurity Weeds Officer, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, $62-70k, Bungendore * 24 - Ecology Consultants (3 roles), Niche Environment & Heritage, Wollongong or Parramatta * 25 - Ecologist, NGH, Canberra, Wagga Wagga, Bega or Sydney * 26 - Senior Botanist, AMBS Ecology & Heritage, Sydney 27 - Bush Regenerator, Bushland Management Solutions, Sydney * 28 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - Australian Capital Territory 29 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia * 30 - Senior Ranger Environmental Offsets, ACT Parks & Conservation, $80-85k, Canberra * 31 - Ecologist, NGH, Canberra, Wagga Wagga, Bega or Sydney * 32 - Biosecurity Weeds Officer, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, $62-70k, Bungendore * 33 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - Victoria 34 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia * 35 - Program Manager, Wollangarra Outdoor Education Centre, Licola 36 - Senior Conservation Officer - East Gippsland, Trust For Nature, $70-77k, Bairnsdale 37 - Project Manager - Joint Management, Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corp., $70-80k, Bendigo * 38 - Bushland Management Crew Leader, City of Greater Dandenong, $67-71k, Dandenong * 39 - Senior Field Ecology Technician, Deakin University, $89-98k, Melbourne * 40 - Senior Ecologist / Zoologist, Ecology and Heritage Partners, Melbourne * 41 - Natural Resource Management Team Members, Western Land Services, North West Melbourne area * 42 - Bushland Team Member, Banyule City Council, Melbourne 43 - Get Dirty - Plant Plants, Dirty Planting, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne - top - Tasmania 44 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia * 45 - Conservation Program Ecologist (PAPP), Tasmanian Land Conservancy, Hobart * - top - South Australia 46 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia * 47 - Land Management Coordinator, Nipapanha Community Aboriginal Corporation, Nepabunna Community, Northern Flinders Ranges, SA 48 - Project Officer, Feral Deer, Limestone Coast Landscape Board, $83-92k, Mt Gambier * 49 - Team Leader, Sustainable Agriculture, Limestone Coast Landscape Board, $92-98k, Limestone Coast region 50 - Compliance Officer, Limestone Coast Landscape Board, $92-98k, Limestone Coast region 51 - Manager, Landscape Operations, Limestone Coast Landscape Board, $101-110k, Limestone Coast region * 52 - Weed Control Officer, PIRSA, $63-67k, Kingscote, Kangaroo Island 53 - Senior Weed Control Officer, PIRSA, $77-82k, Kangaroo Island 54 - Interpretive Officer, DEW, Kangaroo Island * 55 - Team Leader Planning & MERI, Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board, $92-98k, Mount Barker * 56 - Senior Operations Officer, Infrastructure Operations, DEW, Adelaide CBD (Berri negotiable) 57 - Senior Floodplain Officer, DEW, Adelaide (Berri negotiable) 58 - Flora/Fauna Ecologist, EBS Ecology, Adelaide * 59 - National Feral Deer Coordinator, PIRSA, $92-98k, Adelaide 60 - Senior Project Officer, DEW, $92-98k, Adelaide - top - Northern Territory 61 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia * 62 - Land & Sea Ranger Mentor, Thamarrurr Development Corporation, Wadeye 63 - Principal Land Assessment Officer, NT Government, $119-133k, Palmerston * 64 - Senior Land Assessment Officer, NT Government, $97-116k, Palmerston * - top - Western Australia 65 - Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation & Business Development, Bush Heritage, anywhere in Australia * 66 - Internships 2020/21 (x2), Kimberley Marine Research Station, Cygnet Bay, Dampier Peninsula * 67 - Project Coordinator - Ecologist, Environs Kimberley, $79-83k, Broome * 68 - Environmental Project Officer, Environs Kimberley, $69-71k, Broome * 69 - Enterprise Development Coordinator, Kimberley Land Council, Broome 70 - Containers Coordinator, Care For Hedland Environmental Association, Port Hedland * 71 - Association Coordinator, Care For Hedland Environmental Association, Port Hedland * 72 - Turtle Monitoring Program Coordinators (x3), Care For Hedland, Port Hedland 73 - Ranger Coordinator, Tjiwarl Aboriginal Corporation, Leinster (Northern Goldfields region) 74 - WA Western Ground Parrot Project Coordinator, BirdLife Australia, $67-69k, Albany * 75 - WA Black-Cockatoo Project Officer (pt), BirdLife Australia, $38-40k, Perth * 76 - Environmental Officer (Riverbank Projects), DBCA, $95-105k, Perth * 77 - Riverbank Project Officer, DBCA, $80-84k, Perth * 78 - Junior & Mid-Level Environmental Consultants - Approvals (x2), Eco Logical Australia, Perth - top - |
Scholarships 79 - PhD opportunity in Forest Carbon & Water Cycles, University of Melbourne, Melbourne * - top - Board Members 80 - Steering Committee member - Priority actions for eastern quolls on north Bruny Island, NRM South, Hobart * 81 - Steering Committee members: Protecting threatened flora & communities, NRM South, Tasmania - top - Volunteers 82 - Steering Committee members: Protecting threatened flora & communities, NRM South, Tasmania 83 - Internships 2020/21 (x2), Kimberley Marine Research Station, Cygnet Bay, Dampier Peninsula * - top - |
Events 84 - LGNSW Water Management Conference 2020 is now an online event, 7-8 October 2020 - top - Courses 85 - Short Course: Introduction to Conservation Biology, Taking enrolments for 1 September 2020 * - top - Other 86 - Trees For Life - SA Tree Scheme (subsidies available), Orders close 31 August 2020 * - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Emblems' 1. What is the official bird emblem of Australia? 2. What is the animal emblem of NSW? 3. The leafy sea dragon, Phycodurus eques, is the fish emblem of what State / Territory? 4. Sturt's desert rose is the floral emblem of what State / Territory? 5. Match the bird with its State / Territory (one point each): (a) Yellow wattle bird, (b) Black swan, (c) Kookaburra, (d) Wedge-tailed eagle, (e) Helmeted honey eater, (f) Gang-gang cockatoo, (g) Piping shrike, (h) Brolga. Click here for answers - top - |
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