18 June, 2020
Jobs: Negotiable | QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA | International
Other: Scholarships | Boards | Volunteers | Events | Courses | OtherQuiz* new this week
Negotiable 1 - Sales - Environmental Science, Wildlife Drones, location negotiable (pref. in NSW/ACT time zone) * - top - Queensland 2 - Sales - Environmental Science, Wildlife Drones, location negotiable (pref. in NSW/ACT time zone) * 3 - Ecologist, Cravens Peak and Ethabuka, Bush Heritage Australia, Cravens Peak Reserve, Western Qld * 4 - Reserve Manager Cravens Peak, Bush Heritage Australia, Cravens Peak Reserve, Western Qld * 5 - Ecologist - Aboriginal Partnerships: Cape York Peninsula, Bush Heritage Australia, Cairns or Cooktown 6 - Communications & Media Officer (pt), MWI Healthy Rivers to Reef Partnership, $55-75k, Mackay * 7 - Natural Areas Contracts Officer, Sunshine Coast Council, $71-77k, Caloundra * 8 - Team Leader Restorations, City of Gold Coast, $87-92k, Gold Coast * - top - New South Wales 9 - Local Landcare Coordinator, Murrumbidgee Landcare, Riverina Region * 10 - Senior Historic Site Officer, NPWS, $110-122k, Mudgee 11 - Principal Project Officer, NPWS, $128-148k, Jindabyne 12 - Field Officer (pt), NPWS, $49-54k, Green Cape Lightstation 13 - Research Scientist, Science for Wildlife, Blue Mountains * 14 - Community Engagement Officer, Science for Wildlife, Blue Mountains * 15 - Bush Regenerators, Total Earth Care, Central Coast & Sydney * 16 - Quotes Coordinator (part-time), Dragonfly Environmental, $50k+, Sydney * 17 - Sales - Environmental Science, Wildlife Drones, location negotiable (pref. in NSW/ACT time zone) * 18 - Heritage Consultant - Aboriginal Heritage Consultant, NGH, Sydney (other locations considered) - top - Australian Capital Territory 19 - Heritage Consultant - Aboriginal Heritage Consultant, NGH, Sydney (other locations considered) 20 - Research Fellow (Greater Gliders), Australian National University, $99-113k, Canberra * 21 - Campaign, Communications & Operations role, Country Needs People, $75-85k, Canberra * 22 - Sales - Environmental Science, Wildlife Drones, location negotiable (pref. in NSW/ACT time zone) * - top - Victoria 23 - Sales - Environmental Science, Wildlife Drones, location negotiable (pref. in NSW/ACT time zone) * 24 - Planning & Development Engineer, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water, $99-109k, Horsham * 25 - NRM & Sustainability Coordinator, Rural City of Wangaratta, $85k, Wangaratta * 26 - Snr Research Officer (Greater Gliders), ANU, $88-92k, Central Highlands, Gippsland & Strathbogie Ranges * 27 - Farm & Plantation Manager, Felton Grimwade & Bosisto's Pty Ltd, Inglewood, Loddon Shire * 28 - Senior Wildlife Programs Officer, DELWP, $98-119k, location neg. in Grampians Region * 29 - Nursery Assistant: Indigenous Nursery, Southern Dandenongs Community Nursery, Belgrave Heights * 30 - Bush Crew Member, Acacia Environmental Management, Western Melbourne region 31 - GIS Manager, HVP Plantations, Melbourne * 32 - Waste and Resource Recovery Officer, Cardinia Shire Council, $68-84k, Melbourne * 33 - Environmental Planning Officer (pt), Hume City Council, $83k, Melbourne * - top - Tasmania 34 - Sales - Environmental Science, Wildlife Drones, location negotiable (pref. in NSW/ACT time zone) * 35 - Business Development & Operations Manager, NRM South, to $95k, Hobart - top - South Australia 36 - Community Landscape Officer, DEW, $72-75k, Port Augusta 37 - Kangaroo Island Feral Pig Control Coordinator , PIRSA, $92-98k, Kangaroo Island * 38 - Volunteer Ranger Program Coordinator, DEW, Adelaide - top - Northern Territory 39 - Senior District Ranger, NT Government, $96-106k, Batchelor * - top - Western Australia 40 - Kariyarra Ranger Coordinator, Kariyarra Aboriginal Corporation, South Hedland (Pilbara) * 41 - Technical Lead - Spatial Analyst, Greening Australia, $90-110k, Perth * 42 - Supervisor Environmental Operations, City of Gosnells, $85-92k, Perth * 43 - Revegetation Team Leader (Field Based), Tranen Revegetation Systems, Perth 44 - Casual Environmental Technician, Martins Environmental Services, Perth - top - International 45 - Senior Management positions, Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Apia, Samoa - top - |
Scholarships 46 - PhD: Population Connectivity & Expansion of Chital Deer, James Cook Uni, Townsville, Queensland * - top - Board Members 47 - Director / Treasurer, Molonglo Conservation Group, Canberra * 48 - Board Member - NRM South, NRM South, Southern Tasmania - top - Volunteers 49 - Volunteers wanted: Help Restore & Protect Native Vegetation, Trees For Life, various locations, SA 50 - Director / Treasurer, Molonglo Conservation Group, Canberra * - top - |
Events 51 - Coast to Coast Conference, Cairns, 26-29 July 2021, Australian Coastal Society * 52 - RiverDialogue: Rivers on Fire, 9am-1pm (AEST), 6 & 7 July 2020 * 53 - RiverTalk: How much are your waterways worth?, 10-11am (AEST), 24 June 2020 * - top - Courses 54 - Natural Resource Management Webinar Series, 10 topics - over 21 webinars in July & August 2020 * 55 - Natural Resources & Indigenous Livelihoods - short course, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, 14-18 Sep * - top - Other 56 - Survey: Capturing views of NRM professionals after COVID-19, Peter Cullen Water & Environment Trust - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Ministers' 1. Who is the current Federal Minister for the Environment? (bonus point: Who is the Federal Assistant Minister for Waste Reduction and Environmental Management?). 2. In what year was Australia's first Federal Minister for the Environment appointed? (bonus points: who was the Minister, and from what political party? - one point for each). 3. Including the current incumbent, how many people have held the post of Federal Minister for Environment? (a) 18 (b) 24 (c) 32 (d) 46. 4. Which of the following Prime Ministers was also once a Federal Minister for the Environment: Bob Hawke, John Howard, Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull. 5. Who was Australia's longest-serving Federal Minister for the Environment? Click here for answers - top - |
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