30 April, 2020
Jobs: QLD | NSW | ACT | VIC | TAS | SA | NT | WA | International
Other: Scholarships | Volunteers | Events | Courses | ServicesQuiz* new this week
Queensland 1 - Assistant Director, TUMRA Northern, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Cairns, Queensland * 2 - Project Manager, Water Quality, Great Barrier Reef Found., $85-95k, Brisbane, Townsville, Cairns or Mackay 3 - Fauna Spotter Catcher, Ecosure, Rockhampton 4 - SEQ Bush Regenerator | Ecological Restoration, Ecosure, Brisbane or Gold Coast * 5 - General Manager Operations, Queensland Trust For Nature, $120-130k, Brisbane * 6 - Senior Scientist (Remote Sensing), Dept of Environment & Science, $96-103k, Brisbane - top - New South Wales 7 - Ecologist, Biodiversity Conservation Trust, $93-103k, Inverell, Armidale (or neg. in North-West region) 8 - Ecologist, Biodiversity Conservation Trust, $93-103k, Albury, Wagga or neg. in Riverina & Murray region 9 - Ecologists (x2), Biodiversity Conservation Trust, $93-103k, Orange, Dubbo (or neg. in West & Central West) 10 - Ecologist, Biodiversity Conservation Trust, $93-103k, Coffs Harbour (or neg. in North Coast region) 11 - Ecologist, Biodiversity Conservation Trust, $93-103k, Queanbeyan (or neg. in South East region) 12 - Ecologist, Biodiversity Conservation Trust, $93-103k, Parramatta, Newcastle (or neg. Sydney-Hunter region) 13 - Rangers (x2), NPWS, $63-98k, Pacific Palms & Taree * 14 - Regional Policy and Program Manager, Hunter Joint Organisation, $120-130k, Thornton 15 - Bush Regen Crew Members, Toolijooa Pty Ltd, Wollongong / Illawarra area * 16 - Project Manager & Project Officers (waste reduction), WildBlueGlobal, Sydney / Central Coast / Newcastle * 17 - Bush Regeneration Site Supervisor, Total Earth Care, Sydney * 18 - Bush Regenerators & Bush Regeneration Labourers, Ecohort Pty Ltd, Sydney * 19 - Bush Regenerators / Team Members (Sydney), Southern Habitat, Sydney 20 - Digital Marketing & Fundraising Specialist, Humane Society International, Sydney 21 - Bushland Officer - Contracts & Projects, Randwick City Council, $67-73k, Sydney - top - Australian Capital Territory 22 - Ecologist, Biodiversity Conservation Trust, $93-103k, Queanbeyan (or neg. in South East region) - top - Victoria 23 - Conservation Business Development Officer (volunteer), Southern Conservation, Pt Fairy/Warrnambool * 24 - Bush Crew Member positions, Indigenous Design Environmental Management, Wonthaggi & Morwell 25 - Landcare Facilitator, Southern Otway Landcare Network, Apollo Bay * 26 - Bush Crew Members (x2), EcoRegen, Frankston, Mornington Peninsula & Westernport 27 - Leading Hand (Environmental Projects), Weed Needs, Melbourne * 28 - Leading Hand / Environmental Consultant, Acacia Environmental Management, $55-60k, Melbourne * 29 - Bush Crew Member - Western Melbourne Region, Acacia Environmental, Melbourne 30 - Natural Resource Management Team Leader, Platypus Environmental Services, Melbourne 31 - Senior Botanist, Ecology Australia, Melbourne - top - Tasmania 32 - Regional Cat Management Coordinator, NRM North, Launceston * - top - South Australia 33 - Ranger Coordinator, Oak Valley (Maralinga) Aboriginal Corporation, Oak Valley Community - top - Northern Territory 34 - Pandemic Biosecurity Officers, Anindilyakwa Land Council, Groote Eylandt 35 - Erosion & Sediment Control Specialist, DNRE, $119-133k, Palmerston - top - Western Australia 36 - Manager of Finance and Administration, Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ), Newman (or open to FIFO) * 37 - Environmental Field Crew, Natural Area, Perth - top - International 38 - Technical Waste Project Coordinator, Pacific Regional Environment Program, Apia, Samoa - top - |
Scholarships 39 - PhD projects in Conservation / Environmental Science (x3), Deakin University, Melbourne * - top - Volunteers 40 - Conservation Business Development Officer (volunteer), Southern Conservation, Pt Fairy/Warrnambool * - top - |
Events 41 - Australasian Weeds Conference - 22AWC, 25-29 September 2022, Adelaide - top - Courses 42 - Natural Resource Management Live Webinar Series, The University of Melbourne * 43 - AHC51116 Diploma of Conservation & Land Management, Tocal College - on-line * - top - Professional Services 44 - Grant Writing Services, Seasoned Grant Writer Offering Affordable Services - top - |
The NRMjobs Quiz This week's theme: 'Rivers' 1. The Murray River's flow is severely constrained by three narrow points as it passes through the redgum forest area downstream of Tocumwal. What do river managers call this constrained reach? 2. What do the following five rivers have in common?: Hunter River (NSW), Murray River (NSW/Vic/SA), Lockhart River (Qld), Serpentine River (Tas) and Fitzroy River (Qld). 3. What is the largest constructed reservoir in Australia? (bonus point: what is the second largest?). 4. Which famous scientist published an explanation in 1926 of why rivers meander? 5. What two rivers were dammed in the 1970s to flood Lake Pedder, transforming it into Tasmania's second largest lake? (one point each). Click here for answers - top - |
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